Interview with Randell Salmon - March 2004
1. Oh My Gore : "Which is your favourite movie and why ?"
"I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE", Meir Zarchi directed and wrote it back in 1978 if I'm not mistaken. I'm very much get into the concept of revenge and the idea of brutal revenge. Here you have a sexy women from NY minding her business and gets a brutal awaking from the hicks with nothing better to do than rape a innocent women. I like the way Meir made us feel her every thought and the way she planned her brutal revenge. It was a brutal movie. I wrote about it in a one of my songs.
2. Oh My Gore : "Which is the movie that you disliked the most and why ?"
I can't stand movies that are supernatural in appearance, I do dig a couple but I like gore and reality, the one that scare you most are the ones that are believable .I can dig any Zombie movie and any Freddy or Jason movie but can't stand shit like "THE ORDER" or "THE CELL", real crap movies.
3. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite director and why ?"
Meir Zarchi ,George A. Romero, and Marius Balchunas & Scott Sturgeon who produced "MAY" which was another really cool movie.
4. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite actor and why ?
I like Robert Englund a lot because he has personality and makes killing fun. Brutal but still fun and gory. I would love to kill in the manner in which he does. Again not as supernatural but as brutal and fun . Killing is great fun , try it sometime.
5. Oh My Gore : "Which scene scared you the most ?"
Again I love "DAY OF THE WOMEN" , the scene which she cuts off his cock in the bathtub. The asshole got what he deserved, the brutal reality never to rape.If anyone ever touched my daughter or Jenn in anyway like that I would exact a brutal revenge unlike you have ever seen. I have a feeling knowing Amber and Jenn I wouldn't have to do a damn thing. Jenn loves horror and Amber is a brutal as daddy.
6. Oh My Gore : "Which band, according to you, symbolizes horror the best ?"
I totally dig Mortician because their songs are all gore and Zombies and Will is living proof that brutality is alive in death metal. When we started back in 89 with Decomposed the horror movies were a big thing for us to write about and I think Mortician does it best.
All the vocals , bass, guitars and grind screams horror. The intros and outros are brutal. If I wasn't as brutal that shit might even scare me.
All the vocals , bass, guitars and grind screams horror. The intros and outros are brutal. If I wasn't as brutal that shit might even scare me.
7. Oh My Gore : "Which original Soundtrack do you like the most ?
A lot of the horror lacks death metal so that's a really hard question to answer.
8. Oh My Gore : "Which movie poster do you like the most ?
I like the "WRONG TURN" Poster (Eliza,Eliza,Eliza) , I love "THE WARRIORS" poster as well , Although not Horror it's a Brutal movie and poster. I like "WISHMASTER" as well. Take a good look at that movie and the credits , Angus Scrimm(narrator), Robert Englund, Reggie Banister, Jean St. James, Kane Hodder , Tony Todd , that was a great cast.
9. Oh My Gore : "Freddy or Jason ?"
Freddy , again he has personality...
10. Oh My Gore : "What do you think about Oh My Gore ! ?"
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