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Mondo Bizarro


A faux travelogue that mixes documentary and mockumentary footage. The camera looks through a one-way glass into the women's dressing room at a lingerie shop, visits a Kyoto massage parlor, goes inside the mailroom at Frederick's of Hollywood, watches an Australian who sticks nails through his skin and eats glass, checks out the art and peace scene in Los Angeles, takes in Easter week with vacationing college students on Balboa Island, observes a German audience enjoying a play about Nazi sadism, and, with the help of powerful military lenses, spies on a Lebanese white-slavery auction. A narrator adds gravitas: "To the worm in the cheese, the cheese is the universe."

Original Title : MONDO BIZARRO
Genre(s) : Documentary,Adventure
Length : 1 h 20 minYear : 1966Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : Black and WhiteUS Release : 1966-08-25
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Mondo Bizarro
Australia - Mondo Bizarro
Canada - Mondo Bizarro
Finland - Villiä seksiä(alternative spelling)
Finland - Villiä sexiä
Finland - Vild sex(Swedish)

France - Mondo Bizarro
India - Mondo Bizarro
Japan - 世界猟奇地帯
Mexico - Mondo Bizarro
United Kingdom - Mondo Bizarro
United States - Mondo Bizarro
Mondo Bizarro

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