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Murder by Numbers


Richard Haywood, a Californian high school's coolest kid, secretly teams up with another rich kid in his class, brilliant nerd Justin 'Bonaparte' Pendleton, whose erudition, specially in forensic matters, allows them to plan elaborately perfect murders, just for the kick, for which they set up Richard's marijuana supplier, their school's janitor Ray Feathers, as a psychotic serial killer. The case is assigned to detectives Cassie 'the hyena' Mayweather, who carries a sequoia-size chip on the shoulder from her previous life, and her brilliant new partner, Sam Kennedy, who just transferred from the vice squad; they can work together very well, and even fit romantically, but fall out over different professional attitudes towards the investigation, which Captain Rod Cody and her understandably vindictive abused ex, Assistant D.A. Al Swanson, soon ban her from when she disobeys instructions and hand to him. When the plotting boys both dig class-mate Lisa Mills, their unnatural bond comes under stress- will it break, allowing the hard-pressed police to bring them down?

Original Title : MURDER BY NUMBERS
Genre(s) : Crime,Mystery,Thriller
Length : 1 h 55 minYear : 2002Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1
Aka(s) :
(original title)Murder by Numbers
ArgentinaCálculo mortal
AustraliaMurder by Numbers
AustriaMord nach Plan
BrazilCálculo Mortal
BulgariaУбийство по учебник(Bulgarian)

Canada - Murder by Numbers
Canada - Meurtre en équation
Colombia - Cálculo mortal
Croatia - Ubojstvo po brojevima
Denmark - Iskoldt mord
Ecuador - Murder by Numbers
Egypt - Murder by Numbers
Estonia - Mõrva ABC
Finland - Numeromurha
Finland - Murder by Numbers
France - Calculs meurtriers
Germany - Mord nach Plan
Greece - Theories eglimatos
Greece - Θεωρίες εγκλήματος
Hungary - Kísérleti gyilkosság
India - Murder by Numbers
Israel - Murder by Numbers
Italy - Formula per un delitto
Japan - 完全犯罪クラブ
Latvia - Nozieguma rēbuss
Lithuania - Apgalvota zmogzudyste
Mexico - Cálculo mortal
Netherlands - Murder by Numbers
Norway - Oppskrift på mord
Poland - Śmiertelna wyliczanka
Portugal - Crimes Calculados
Romania - Minti diabolice
Russia - Отсчет убийств
Serbia - Убиство по ставкама
Slovenia - Stevilke za umor
South Africa - Murder by Numbers
Spain - Asesinato... 1-2-3
Spain - Assassinat... 1, 2, 3
Sweden - Iskallt mord
Taiwan - 拿命線索
Turkey - Adım Adım Cinayet
United Kingdom - Murder by Numbers
United States - Murder by Numbers
United States - Foolproof
United States - Murd3r 8y Num8ers
Vietnam - Những Con Số Sát Nhân
Murder by Numbers

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