NEKKU (2010)
Adapted by Maijo himself, the story revolves around a university student named Tomokazu Shudo (Junpei Mizobata) who is experiencing his first love. The object of his affection is a quirky girl named Sugina Mayama (Saki Aibu) who just about everyone in his school would like to date. He has trouble confessing his love to her, but when she summons him to her laboratory, he thinks he may finally get his chance. However, he arrives to find a large wooden box in the center of the room and discovers Sugina wants to use him as the first test subject for her new invention - The Neck Machine. He’s placed in the box which is fastened tightly around his neck and is forced to watch a horror movie which is somehow produced directly from his own mind.
Original Title : NEKKU
Director(s) : Takeshi Shirakawa
Writer(s) : Ohtarô Maijô (based on a story by), , Itaru Era (screenplay) &, Hisako Fujihira (screenplay)
Genre(s) : Comedy,Horror,Romance
Length : 1 h 38 minYear : 2010Country : JapanLangage : JapaneseCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Aka(s) :
(original title) - Nekku
Japan - NECK ネック(Japanese)
World-wide - Neck
Japan - NECK ネック
World-wide - Neck
(original title) - Nekku
Japan - NECK ネック(Japanese)
World-wide - Neck
Japan - NECK ネック
World-wide - Neck
Actors :
Saki Aibu Sugina Mayama
Takumi Hanaoka
Yûta Hiraoka
Tomomi Kasai Mao
Chiaki Kuriyama
Honoka Miki Yukari
Junpei Mizobata
Kazuma Suzuki Sohei Yamamoto
Corey Taylor The Neck
Massimo Biondi Football Player (uncredited)
Saki Aibu Sugina Mayama
Takumi Hanaoka
Yûta Hiraoka
Tomomi Kasai Mao
Chiaki Kuriyama
Honoka Miki Yukari
Junpei Mizobata
Kazuma Suzuki Sohei Yamamoto
Corey Taylor The Neck
Massimo Biondi Football Player (uncredited)
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