OSOMBIE (2012)
The story follows Dusty, a yoga instructor from Colorado, who is on a desperate rescue mission to save her crazy brother Derek, a conspiracy theorist who is convinced Osama bin Laden is still alive, despite having been buried at sea. In Afghanistan, Dusty falls in with a team of NATO special forces on a secret assignment. Turns out Derek is not so crazy after all, and that Osama has returned from his watery grave and is making an army of zombie terrorists. When the group crashes headlong into the growing zombie apocalypse, Dusty and the troops must find and destroy the root of the zombie insurgency before it infests the rest of the world.
Original Title : OSOMBIE
Director(s) : John Lyde
Writer(s) : Kurt Hale
Genre(s) : Action,Horror
Length : 1 h 32 minYear : 2012Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2012-09-09Aka(s) :
(original title) - Osombie
Europe - Osombie: The Axis of Evil Dead(English, Festival Title)
France - Zombies: Global Attack
India - Osombie
Japan - Ozonbi
Japan - オゾンビ(Japanese)
Russia - Осама: Живее всех живых
Spain - Osombie
United Kingdom - Osombie: The Axis of Evil Dead
United Kingdom - Ozombie
United States - Osombie
Vietnam - Xác Sống Bin Laden
(original title) - Osombie
Europe - Osombie: The Axis of Evil Dead(English, Festival Title)
France - Zombies: Global Attack
India - Osombie
Japan - Ozonbi
Japan - オゾンビ(Japanese)
Russia - Осама: Живее всех живых
Spain - Osombie
United Kingdom - Osombie: The Axis of Evil Dead
United Kingdom - Ozombie
United States - Osombie
Vietnam - Xác Sống Bin Laden
Actors :
Corey Sevier Chip
Eve Mauro Dusty
Jasen Wade Derek
Danielle C Ryan Tomboy (as Danielle Chuchran)
Paul D Hunt Joker
Matthew Reese DC
William Rubio Chapo (as Will Rubio)
Ben Urie Doc
Walter A Carmona Osombie (as Walter Carmona)
Danny James Herc
Jeff Kirkham Whiskey
Kevin Lyde Thunder
James Gaisford Bravo
Mike Black Aasif (as Michael A Black)
Moises L Tovar Al-Qaeda Leader (as Moises Tovar)
Alex Seshadri Dedeek (as Aleex Seshadri)
Ben Seshadri Afghan Boy
Adam Abram Ryan
Holly Lynch Anna
Bailee Michelle Johnson Young Dusty (as Bailee Johnson)
Ethan Hunt Young Derek
Dani Chuchran Dedeek's Mother
Kurt Knight Dedeek's Aunt
Kelly Albrecht ZombiesInsurgents
Jason Paz ZombiesInsurgents
Kevin Huntington ZombiesInsurgents
Dustan Binnell ZombiesInsurgents
JD Fife ZombiesInsurgents
Zach Hursh ZombiesInsurgents
Spencer Barber ZombiesInsurgents
Samuel Barber ZombiesInsurgents
Kyle Calder ZombiesInsurgents
Seve Salazar ZombiesInsurgents
Taylor Zwenke ZombiesInsurgents
Andrew Hancock ZombiesInsurgents
James Grierson ZombiesInsurgents
Ben Merrill ZombiesInsurgents
Joseph Harmon ZombiesInsurgents
Jacob Roberts ZombiesInsurgents
Jason Fullmer Zombie
Matthew Hunt ZombiesInsurgents
Alexander Hilton ZombiesInsurgents
Brendan Tolman ZombiesInsurgents
Nick Denton ZombiesInsurgents
Ben Martinez ZombiesInsurgents
Rafael Suarez ZombiesInsurgents
Jordan Grooms ZombiesInsurgents
Austin Teig ZombiesInsurgents
Jonathan Tate ZombiesInsurgents
Tarl Lambson ZombiesInsurgents
Cody Petersen ZombiesInsurgents
Chris Rothschild ZombiesInsurgents
David Davenport ZombiesInsurgents
J Dhylan Meyer ZombiesInsurgents (as Dhylan Meyer)
Esteban Mendoza ZombiesInsurgents
Andrew Hook ZombiesInsurgents
Dakota Bradshaw Multiple Zombies
Andrew Beech ZombiesInsurgents
Elias Caress ZombiesInsurgents
Casey William Walker ZombiesInsurgents
Andrew Dee Jones ZombiesInsurgents (as Andy Jones)
Cameron Baker ZombiesInsurgents
David Bowen ZombiesInsurgents
Kenny Britt ZombiesInsurgents
Andrew Troy Khalid the Zombie (as Andrew W Johnson)
Derek Kopp Sad Zombie (uncredited)
Corey Sevier Chip
Eve Mauro Dusty
Jasen Wade Derek
Danielle C Ryan Tomboy (as Danielle Chuchran)
Paul D Hunt Joker
Matthew Reese DC
William Rubio Chapo (as Will Rubio)
Ben Urie Doc
Walter A Carmona Osombie (as Walter Carmona)
Danny James Herc
Jeff Kirkham Whiskey
Kevin Lyde Thunder
James Gaisford Bravo
Mike Black Aasif (as Michael A Black)
Moises L Tovar Al-Qaeda Leader (as Moises Tovar)
Alex Seshadri Dedeek (as Aleex Seshadri)
Ben Seshadri Afghan Boy
Adam Abram Ryan
Holly Lynch Anna
Bailee Michelle Johnson Young Dusty (as Bailee Johnson)
Ethan Hunt Young Derek
Dani Chuchran Dedeek's Mother
Kurt Knight Dedeek's Aunt
Kelly Albrecht ZombiesInsurgents
Jason Paz ZombiesInsurgents
Kevin Huntington ZombiesInsurgents
Dustan Binnell ZombiesInsurgents
JD Fife ZombiesInsurgents
Zach Hursh ZombiesInsurgents
Spencer Barber ZombiesInsurgents
Samuel Barber ZombiesInsurgents
Kyle Calder ZombiesInsurgents
Seve Salazar ZombiesInsurgents
Taylor Zwenke ZombiesInsurgents
Andrew Hancock ZombiesInsurgents
James Grierson ZombiesInsurgents
Ben Merrill ZombiesInsurgents
Joseph Harmon ZombiesInsurgents
Jacob Roberts ZombiesInsurgents
Jason Fullmer Zombie
Matthew Hunt ZombiesInsurgents
Alexander Hilton ZombiesInsurgents
Brendan Tolman ZombiesInsurgents
Nick Denton ZombiesInsurgents
Ben Martinez ZombiesInsurgents
Rafael Suarez ZombiesInsurgents
Jordan Grooms ZombiesInsurgents
Austin Teig ZombiesInsurgents
Jonathan Tate ZombiesInsurgents
Tarl Lambson ZombiesInsurgents
Cody Petersen ZombiesInsurgents
Chris Rothschild ZombiesInsurgents
David Davenport ZombiesInsurgents
J Dhylan Meyer ZombiesInsurgents (as Dhylan Meyer)
Esteban Mendoza ZombiesInsurgents
Andrew Hook ZombiesInsurgents
Dakota Bradshaw Multiple Zombies
Andrew Beech ZombiesInsurgents
Elias Caress ZombiesInsurgents
Casey William Walker ZombiesInsurgents
Andrew Dee Jones ZombiesInsurgents (as Andy Jones)
Cameron Baker ZombiesInsurgents
David Bowen ZombiesInsurgents
Kenny Britt ZombiesInsurgents
Andrew Troy Khalid the Zombie (as Andrew W Johnson)
Derek Kopp Sad Zombie (uncredited)
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