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Pacific Rim


INFO | REVIEW(S) | PHOTOS (137) | NEWS (5) | DVDS | VIDEOS (9)
When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity’s resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes--a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)--who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind’s last hope against the mounting apocalypse.

Original Title : PACIFIC RIM
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
Length : 2 hs 11 minYear : 2013Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2013-07-17US Release : 2013-07-12
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Pacific Rim
Argentina - Titanes del Pacífico
Australia - Pacific Rim
Azerbaijan - Sakit okean sərhədi
Bolivia - Titanes del Pacífico
Brazil - Círculo de Fogo

Bulgaria - Огненият пръстен
Canada - Pacific Rim
Canada - Rives du Pacifique
Chile - Titanes del Pacífico
China - 环太平洋
Colombia - Titanes del Pacífico
Colombia - Gigantes del Pacifico
Croatia - Bitka za Pacifik
Czech Republic - Pacific Rim - Útok na Zemi
Ecuador - Pacific Rim
Egypt - Pacific Rim
Estonia - Vaikse ookeani võitlus
Finland - Pacific Rim - Hyökkäys Maahan
France - Pacific Rim
Germany - Pacific Rim
Greece - To dahtylidi tis fotias
Greece - Το δαχτυλίδι της φωτιάς
Hong Kong - 悍戰太平洋
Hungary - Tűzgyűrű
India - Pacific Rim
India - पेसिफिक रिम: एक फौलांदी जंग
India - Rudra Nagaram
Indonesia - Pacific Rim
Israel - Pacific Rim
Italy - Pacific Rim
Japan - Pashifikku Rimu
Japan - パシフィック・リム
Kazakhstan - Тынықмұхиттық шекара
Kazakhstan - Тихоокеанский рубеж
Latvia - Pacific Rim: Uzbrukums Zemei
Lithuania - Ugnies žiedas
Mexico - Titanes del Pacífico
Netherlands - Pacific Rim
New Zealand - Pacific Rim
Peru - Titanes del Pacífico
Philippines - Pacific Rim
Poland - Pacific Rim
Portugal - Batalha do Pacífico
Romania - Cercul de foc
Russia - Тихоокеанский рубеж
Serbia - Bitka za Pacifik
Serbia - Pacifički prsten
Serbia - Битка за Пацифик
Singapore - Pacific Rim
Slovakia - Ohnivý kruh
Slovakia - Pacifický kruh
Slovakia - Pacifický kruh - Útok na Zem
Slovenia - Ognjeni obroc
South Africa - Pacific Rim
South Korea - 퍼시픽 림
Actors :
Raleigh Becket
Yancy Becket
Stacker Pentecost
Mako Mori
Dr Newton Geiszler
Herc Hansen
Chuck Hansen (as Rob Kazinsky)
Ops Tendo Choi
Hannibal Chau
Construction Foreman
Construction Worker
Young Mako
Wizened Man
Captain Merrit
1st Officer
Gipsy Danger AI (voice)
Old Man on Beach
American UN Representative
British UN Representative
Canadian UN Representative (as David Richmond Peck)
Wei Tang Triplet
Wei Tang Triplet
Wei Tang Triplet
Lt S Kaidanovsky
Lt A Kaidanovsky
Officer (as Josh Peace)
Chinese Girl in Anti-Kaiju Refuge (as Victoria Marie)
Man in Anti-Kaiju Refuge
TV Reporter (as JC Kenny)
RaleighYancy's Mom
RaleighYancy's Dad
Young Raleigh (as Paul Wyers)
Young Yancy
Saltchuck Crew
Saltchuck Crew
Saltchuck Crew
Saltchuck Crew
UN Representative
UN Representative
UN Representative
UN Representative
UN Representative
Young Mako's Father
Young Mako's Mother
Asian Boy (as Hubert Tran)
Young Newt
Young Gottlieb
Hannibal Chau Thug
Hannibal Chau Thug
Hannibal Chau Thug
Hannibal Chau Thug
Hannibal Chau Thug
Factory worker (uncredited)
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Girl under monster (uncredited)
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Human eye (kaiju montage seq) (uncredited)
Marine (uncredited)
Cadet (uncredited)
Helipad Worker (uncredited)
Marines Leader (uncredited)
Kaiju Sound Effects (uncredited)
Marine (uncredited)
Construction Worker (uncredited)
Marine (uncredited)
Mechanic (uncredited)
Helipad worker (uncredited)
Hostess In TV Radio Station (uncredited)
Marine (uncredited)
Journalist (uncredited)
Engineer (uncredited)
Jaeger Test Pilot (uncredited)
Jagger Pilot (uncredited)
Shatterdome Tech (uncredited)
News Anchor (uncredited)
Mechanic (uncredited)
LOCCENT Tech (uncredited)
Cadet #2 (uncredited)
Rosie (uncredited)
Marine (uncredited)
Miner (uncredited)
UN Representative (uncredited)
Alien Model (uncredited)
Cadet #3 (uncredited)
Engineer (uncredited)
Husband (uncredited)
Pacific Rim

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