test Passengersa Passengers (2008) - Rodrigo García

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After a plane crash, a young therapist, Claire (Anne Hathaway), is assigned by her mentor (Andre Braugher) to counsel the flight's five survivors. When they share their recollections of the incident -- which some say include an explosion that the airline claims never happened -- Claire is intrigued by Eric (Patrick Wilson), the most secretive of the passengers. Just as Claire's professional relationship with Eric -- despite her better judgment -- blossoms into a romance, the survivors begin to disappear mysteriously, one by one. Claire suspects that Eric may hold all the answers and becomes determined to uncover the truth, no matter the consequences.

Original Title : PASSENGERS
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Mystery,Romance,Thriller
Length : 1 h 33 minYear : 2008Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1French Release : 2009-03-11US Release : 2008-10-24
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Passengers
Argentina - Pasajeros
Australia - Passengers
Brazil - Passageiros
Bulgaria - Пасажери(Bulgarian)
Canada - Passengers

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Canada - Passagers
Croatia - Putnici
Czech Republic - Cestující
Ecuador - Passengers
Estonia - Reisijad
France - Les Passagers
Germany - Passengers
Greece - Oi epivates
Greece - Οι επιβάτες
Hong Kong - 幽靈乘客
Hungary - A 109. utas
India - Passengers
India - Passengers
Indonesia - Passengers
Italy - Passengers - Mistero ad alta quota
Japan - Passenjâzu
Japan - パッセンジャーズ
Latvia - Pasažieri
Lithuania - Keleiviai
Mexico - Almas pasajeras
Peru - Almas pasajeras
Philippines - Passengers
Poland - Ocaleni
Portugal - Passageiros
Romania - Disparitii
Russia - Пассажиры
Serbia - Putnici
Singapore - Passengers
Slovakia - Cestujúci
Slovakia - Letecká katastrofa
Slovenia - Potniki
Spain - Passengers
Spain - Passengers
Taiwan - 靈異航班
Turkey - Yolcular
Ukraine - Пасажири
United Kingdom - Passengers
United States - Passengers
United States - Almas pasajeras
Venezuela - Pasajeros
Vietnam - Hành Khách Tử Thần
Actors :
Blonde Man
Janice (as Chelah Horsdale)
Hospital Receptionist (as Karen Austin)
Young Emma
Young Claire
Building Manager
Screaming Woman
Screaming Woman's Husband
Shannon's Father
Shannon's Mother
Co-Pilot (uncredited)
Bus Driver (uncredited)

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