Filmography from : Patrick Flynn
Actor :

Over 60 years, three guests of a cursed home discover an eternal witch who lives beneath it with an insatiable thirst for living souls....

In 2002 the United States military captured a mysterious entity at the secret underground base, Stormhouse. Believed to be supernatural, a ghost whisperer named Hayley (Flynn) is brought into the facility in the final days of experiments to attempt to communicate with the entity. But Hayley’s arrival triggers a chain of events that lead to a disastrous escape of the creature and the humans among it fighting for their lives....
The Undying, Steven Peros, 2009
Seduced by the ghost of a Civil War soldier, Barbara Haughton creates a love that is undying. ...


Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. When his suit suddenly changes, turning jet-black and enhancing his powers, it transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to control. Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people...