Royce, a mercenary, reluctantly leads a group of elite warriors who come to realize they've been brought together on an alien planet… as prey.
With the exception of a disgraced physician, they are all cold-blooded killers – mercenaries, Yakuza, convicts, death squad members – human "predators" that are now being systemically hunted and eliminated by a new breed of alien Predators.
With the exception of a disgraced physician, they are all cold-blooded killers – mercenaries, Yakuza, convicts, death squad members – human "predators" that are now being systemically hunted and eliminated by a new breed of alien Predators.
Original Title : PREDATORS
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 47 minYear : 2010Country : United StatesCoulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 2010-07-14US Release : 2010-07-09Aka(s) :
(original title) - Predators
Argentina - Depredadores
Australia - Predators
Brazil - Predadores
Bulgaria - Хищници(Bulgarian)
Canada - Predators
Canada - Les prédateurs
Croatia - Predatori
Czech Republic - Predátoři
Ecuador - Depredadores
Egypt - Predators
Estonia - Kiskjad
France - Predators
Germany - Predators
Greece - Oi kynigoi
Greece - Οι κυνηγοί
Hungary - Ragadozók
India - Predators
India - Predators
Israel - Predators
Italy - Predators
Japan - Predators
Japan - プレデターズ
Kazakhstan - Хищники
Latvia - Plēsoņas
Lithuania - Grobuonys
Mexico - Depredadores
Netherlands - Predators
Norway - Predators
Peru - Depredadores
Philippines - Predators
Poland - Predators
Poland - Predatorzy
Portugal - Predadores
Romania - Predators
Russia - Хищники
Serbia - Предатори
Singapore - Predators
Slovakia - Predátori
Slovenia - Predatorji
South Africa - Predators
Spain - Predators
Sweden - Predators
Taiwan - 終極戰士團
Thailand - Predators
Turkey - Predators
Ukraine - Хижак 3
Ukraine - Хижаки
United Kingdom - Predators
United States - Predators
United States - Predator 3
United States - Depredadores
Uruguay - Depredadores
Vietnam - Quái Thú Vô Hình 3
(original title) - Predators
Argentina - Depredadores
Australia - Predators
Brazil - Predadores
Bulgaria - Хищници(Bulgarian)
Canada - Predators
Canada - Les prédateurs
Croatia - Predatori
Czech Republic - Predátoři
Ecuador - Depredadores
Egypt - Predators
Estonia - Kiskjad
France - Predators
Germany - Predators
Greece - Oi kynigoi
Greece - Οι κυνηγοί
Hungary - Ragadozók
India - Predators
India - Predators
Israel - Predators
Italy - Predators
Japan - Predators
Japan - プレデターズ
Kazakhstan - Хищники
Latvia - Plēsoņas
Lithuania - Grobuonys
Mexico - Depredadores
Netherlands - Predators
Norway - Predators
Peru - Depredadores
Philippines - Predators
Poland - Predators
Poland - Predatorzy
Portugal - Predadores
Romania - Predators
Russia - Хищники
Serbia - Предатори
Singapore - Predators
Slovakia - Predátori
Slovenia - Predatorji
South Africa - Predators
Spain - Predators
Sweden - Predators
Taiwan - 終極戰士團
Thailand - Predators
Turkey - Predators
Ukraine - Хижак 3
Ukraine - Хижаки
United Kingdom - Predators
United States - Predators
United States - Predator 3
United States - Depredadores
Uruguay - Depredadores
Vietnam - Quái Thú Vô Hình 3
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