Filmography from : Richard Wood
Writer :
Donnie Brasco, Mike Newell, 1997This true story follows FBI agent Joe Pistone as he infiltrates the mafia of New York. Befriending Lefty Ruggiero, Pistone (under the name Donnie Brasco) is able to embed himself in a mafia faction lead by Sonny Black. Ruggiero and Pistone become tight as the group goes about collecting money for 'the bosses'. Eventually, the group become big time when Black himself becomes a boss, all the while Pistone collects evidence. However, the trials and...
Actor :
Curio, Steven Nesbit, 2010Supernatural thriller, featuring 'Pink Floyd with Fangs' soundtrack by the UK's no 1 musician Graham Coxon. What started out as a bonding holiday between an American mother recently reunited with her daughter, quickly turns into a tense, desperate nightmare. The North Yorkshire Moors provides the lonely backdrop for an intense, nervous adventure....
2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick, 1968
Mankind finds a mysterious, obviously artificial, artifact buried on the moon and, with the intelligent computer HAL, sets off on a quest....