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Filmography from Rio Holland

Filmography from : Rio Holland

Actor :

Animals, Edward Drake, 2012
Animals is a bold and ambitious project about Marcus Young, a shaken young man trying to find his place in the world in the wake of a global pandemic. When Marcus learns that the love of his life, Sarah Finch, a woman he hasn’t seen in almost two years, is trapped in a massive reserve known as the Red Zone, Marcus launches a suicidal bid to save her from forces conspiring to stop her uncovering a laboratory abandoned at the height of the...

Bad Behaviour, Joseph Sims-Dennett (as Joseph Stephen Sims), 2010
The weekend is about to kick off. With the ocean calm, the weather warm and the sun setting over the hills, two psychopathic siblings - Emma and Peterson - pit stop on their road trip of bloodshed at the sleepy beach-side town of Cecil Bay. 'Bad Behaviour' will have you on the precipice of intrigue as you are thrown into: Emma and Peterson's encounter with their fierce predator and debt collector Voyte Parker, a cop confronting the people who...