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ROBOCOP (2014)

In RoboCop, the year is 2028 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the centre of robot technology. Their drones are winning American wars around the globe and now they want to bring this technology to the home front.
Alex Murphy is a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit. After he is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp utilises their remarkable science of robotics to save Alex’s life.
He returns to the streets of his beloved city with amazing new abilities, but with issues a regular man has never had to face before.

Original Title : ROBOCOP
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Crime,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 57 minYear : 2014Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1French Release : 2014-02-05US Release : 2014-02-12
Aka(s) :
(original title) - RoboCop
Argentina - RoboCop
Australia - RoboCop
Brazil - RoboCop
Bulgaria - Робокоп(Bulgarian)
Canada - RoboCop

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Canada - RoboCop
Chile - Robocop
Colombia - Robocop
Croatia - RoboCop
Czech Republic - Robocop
Ecuador - RoboCop
Egypt - RoboCop
France - RoboCop
Germany - RoboCop
Greece - RoboCop
Hong Kong - 鐵甲威龍
Hong Kong - Robocop
Hungary - Robotzsaru
India - RoboCop
India - RoboCop
Ireland - RoboCop
Israel - RoboCop
Italy - RoboCop
Japan - Robokoppu
Japan - ロボコップ
Latvia - Robokops
Lithuania - Robotas policininkas
Mexico - RoboCop
Netherlands - RoboCop
New Zealand - Robocop
Philippines - RoboCop
Poland - RoboCop
Portugal - RoboCop
Romania - RoboCop
Russia - Робокоп
Serbia - Robokap
Singapore - RoboCop
South Africa - RoboCop
Spain - RoboCop
Sweden - RoboCop
Taiwan - 機器戰警
Thailand - RoboCop
Turkey - Robocop
Ukraine - РобоКоп
United Kingdom - RoboCop
United States - RoboCop
United States - OmniCorp
United States - RoboCop
Uruguay - Robocop
Uzbekistan - Robot politsiyachi
Vietnam - Cảnh Sát Người Máy
Actors :
Alex Murphy /RoboCop
Dr Dennett Norton
Raymond Sellars
Clara Murphy
Rick Mattox
Jack Lewis (as Michael K Williams)
Liz Kline
Tom Pope
Chief Karen Dean
Pat Novak
Jae Kim
Mayor Durant
David Murphy
Antoine Vallon
Andre Daniels
John Lake
Senator Hubert Dreyfus
Senate House Leader
General Monroe (as Matt Cook)
Ohio Senator
Arash (as Meysam Motazedi)
Iranian Child
Iranian Child
Dr Alan (as Phillip Akin)
Man in White Coat
Man in White Coat
Man in White Coat
Man with Prosthetics Playing Guitar
Wife of Man with Prosthetics
Old Sergeant
Young Lieutenant
Thomas King
Mayor's Assistant
John Biggs
Jerry White
Jerry's Gang
Jerry's Gang
Walter Karrel
Armed Sentry at Decrepit House
Parts Room Technician
Detroit Lab Technician
Female Cop
Cop at Armoury
Uniformed Cop Inside Station
Uniformed Cop Outside Station
Cop Who Greets Murphy
Cop Who Greets Murphy
Cop Who Greets Murphy
Cop Who Greets Murphy
Omnicorp Technician
Omnicorp Technician
Head of Omnicorp Security
Lead Omnicorp Security Agent
Omnicorp Security Agent
Omnicorp Exterior Security
Omnicorp Exterior Security
Omnicorp Security
Omnicorp Security
Omnicorp Security Guard
Pilot (as Steven Wright)
Rape Victim
Sweet Man (as Markus Parillo)
Sweet Man's Mom
Hostage Child
Little Girl (as Aaliya Cinello)
Teacher (as Megan Hoople)
Homeless Man
Football player (uncredited)
Upscale Executive (uncredited)
Police Sergeant (uncredited)
Police Officer (uncredited)
Woman Hostage (uncredited)
Korean Store Owner (uncredited)
Robot Drone (uncredited)
Warehouse Worker (uncredited)
Mom (uncredited)
Forklift Operator (uncredited)
Iranian Civillian (uncredited)
Football Player (uncredited)
AC Freeman (uncredited)
Officer (uncredited)
Detective (uncredited)
Warehouse Worker (uncredited)
Protestor (uncredited)
SWAT Team Member (uncredited)
Jogger (uncredited)
Detective (uncredited)
Middle Eastern Woman (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)
208 (uncredited)
Onlooker /University Student (uncredited)
Iranian Terrorist (uncredited)
Pedestrian (uncredited)

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