Filmography from : Ron Gilbert
Actor :

Two women who like control face each other in a battle over jealousy and weaknesses. The US is about to sign a trade treaty with an Asian country; in exchange for friendly relations, the US will loan the Asians money to purchase US goods under contract. Evil siren Ronnie St. Clair tries various ways to find out which US companies will get these contracts, so that she can do some inside trading to make money on the stock market. The CIA hires...
The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola, 1972

Peter Parker has a laboratory accident that changes his life. He finds himself with greatly increased strength, the ability to stick to walls to climb them without needing hand and footholds and a "spider-sense" (presented in this series as clairvoyance) that allows him to sense danger. Designing a costume and a webshooter that allows him to fire a strong artificial web, he fights crimes as Spider-Man. ...

When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man....