Filmography from : Samantha Novak
Actor :

It's a story that has existed throughout the Midwest for years - a haunted attraction that repays a portion of the admittance fee for every floor patrons are brave enough to complete. The haunted house is supposedly so terrifying, however, that nobody has ever made it all the way through to the end. On Halloween night four Wisconsin teenagers go looking for this supposed urban legend. What they find is the House of Purgatory - the source of...
Wicked Wood, Krist Rufty, 2009
After a much needed vacation, Heather and Ian Dunlap visit Harper's store, a wood carving/gift shop that's owned by a man known by the locals as Mr. Hands. They stumble upon Splinter, an old hand carved creation that's been around for centuries. After they are warned to keep away Ian decides he must take Splinter against all warnings. When Splinter is taken from his base the evil is released and soon after acts of grisly violence and carnage...