By Oh My Gore ! on September 12, 2009
"SAVAGE" first one sheet
As a boy young actor/Filmmaker to-be DJ Perry (Dean Teaster's "GHOST TOWN", "AN ORDINARY KILLER") often enjoyed family trips to a hunting cabin in Harrison, Michigan with cousins and a favorite Uncle Jerry Jones. Mr. Jones was a favorite because he was a master storyteller. His humorous stories were a wonderful blend of fact and fiction. It was around this deer camp that fantastic stories such as the sightings of “Cloie the Ghost” and “Sasquashis” were often told. It is also good to note that many of these reported sightings might have happened while taking out “empties” in the wee hours.While still in high school, DJ Perry further entertained his friends with the “Sasquashis and the Jones” comics and later “The Hunt for Bigfoot” comedy shorts that would be among his first filmmaking endeavors.
Fast-forward to a handful of years later and DJ Perry is now starring in his first classically bad horror film with Katharsys Pictures entitled "IN THE WOODS", directed by Lynn Drzick. This first feature for both Perry and Drzick was riddled with cheesy dialogue and nightmare FX due to creatures that wanted to consistently malfunction. It was during this time that a slew of scripts were being considered for follow up projects. Those early “Sasquashis” stories coupled with new updates on Michigan Bigfoot Hunters, inspired him to pen the first 70-page script. Drzick and Michigan author Nancy Gideon worked the script into a final form. Circumstances led to Drzick returning to television production and Perry forming the production company Collective Development Inc. based in Lansing, Michigan and the script was shelved but not forgotten.
Years later, DJ Perry met Fearmaker Studios President Bo Buckley on the set of the action/thriller "GPS" in Seattle, Washington. Buckley was putting together a horror slate to follow their successful "DEATH 4TOLD" movie. On a whim, Perry submitted the script inspired so many years ago. Needless to say the script was well received, optioned, bought and produced. The film re-titled "SAVAGE" has Jordan Blum ("DETONATE", "CLIMAX") directing with Marty Kove ("KARATE KID" franchise), Lisa Wilcox ("NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 4" & "NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 5") and Tony Becker ("TOUR OF DUTY") starring.
Source : Oh My Gore !
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