To avoid spoiling the movie this plot summary is very brief. It starts when three people living together in a four bedroom flat are looking for a house mate. The interviews they conduct are very unorthodox and very funny. Eventually the three agree on one prospective tenant. He moves in, locks his door, and is not seen again. After a couple of days the three become curious and break in to his room. What follows is an amazing piece of cinema and to say more would ruin it.
Original Title : SHALLOW GRAVE
Genre(s) : Crime,Drama,Thriller
Length : 1 h 29 minYear : 1994Country : United KingdomLangage : EnglishRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2002-10-12US Release : 1995-02-10Aka(s) :
(original title)Shallow Grave
ArgentinaTumba al ras de la tierra
AustraliaShallow Grave
BrazilCova Rasa
BulgariaПлитък гроб(Bulgarian)
CanadaShallow Grave
Canada - Petits meurtres entre amis
China - 浅坟
Croatia - Sasvim malo ubojstvo
Czech Republic - Mělký hrob
Denmark - Mord mellem venner
Ecuador - Shallow Grave
Estonia - Madal haud
Finland - Shallow Grave - murhaleikki
France - Petits meurtres entre amis
Germany - Kleine Morde unter Freunden
Greece - Mikra eglimata metaxy filon
Greece - Μικρά εγκλήματα μεταξύ φίλων
Hungary - Sekély sírhant
India - Shallow Grave
India - शैलो ग्रेव
India - Shallow Grave
India - Shallow Grave
India - Shallow Grave
India - Shallow Grave
Israel - Shallow Grave
Italy - Piccoli omicidi tra amici
Japan - Shallow Grave
Japan - シャロウ・グレイブ
Lithuania - Negilus kapas
Mexico - Tumba al ras de la tierra
Netherlands - Shallow Grave
Poland - Płytki grób
Portugal - Pequenos Crimes Entre Amigos
Romania - Escrocii
Romania - Triunghiul mortii
Russia - Неглубокая могила
Serbia - Мало убиство међу пријатељима
Singapore - Shallow Grave
Slovakia - Plytký hrob
Slovenia - Plitvi grob
Spain - Tumba abierta (Shallow Grave)
Sweden - Dödsleken
Taiwan - 魔鬼一族
Turkey - Mezarını Derin Kaz
Ukraine - Неглибока могила
United Kingdom - Shallow Grave
United States - Shallow Grave
(original title)Shallow Grave
ArgentinaTumba al ras de la tierra
AustraliaShallow Grave
BrazilCova Rasa
BulgariaПлитък гроб(Bulgarian)
CanadaShallow Grave
Canada - Petits meurtres entre amis
China - 浅坟
Croatia - Sasvim malo ubojstvo
Czech Republic - Mělký hrob
Denmark - Mord mellem venner
Ecuador - Shallow Grave
Estonia - Madal haud
Finland - Shallow Grave - murhaleikki
France - Petits meurtres entre amis
Germany - Kleine Morde unter Freunden
Greece - Mikra eglimata metaxy filon
Greece - Μικρά εγκλήματα μεταξύ φίλων
Hungary - Sekély sírhant
India - Shallow Grave
India - शैलो ग्रेव
India - Shallow Grave
India - Shallow Grave
India - Shallow Grave
India - Shallow Grave
Israel - Shallow Grave
Italy - Piccoli omicidi tra amici
Japan - Shallow Grave
Japan - シャロウ・グレイブ
Lithuania - Negilus kapas
Mexico - Tumba al ras de la tierra
Netherlands - Shallow Grave
Poland - Płytki grób
Portugal - Pequenos Crimes Entre Amigos
Romania - Escrocii
Romania - Triunghiul mortii
Russia - Неглубокая могила
Serbia - Мало убиство међу пријатељима
Singapore - Shallow Grave
Slovakia - Plytký hrob
Slovenia - Plitvi grob
Spain - Tumba abierta (Shallow Grave)
Sweden - Dödsleken
Taiwan - 魔鬼一族
Turkey - Mezarını Derin Kaz
Ukraine - Неглибока могила
United Kingdom - Shallow Grave
United States - Shallow Grave

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