Original Title : SHARK ATTACK 2
Director(s) : David Worth
Writer(s) : Scott Devine (written by), William Hooke (written by)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Horror
Length : 1 h 38 minLangage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 1.78 : 1French Release : 2002-06-04US Release : 2001-02-13Aka(s) :
(original title) - Shark Attack 2
Argentina - Shark, el demonio del mar
Brazil - Tubarões 2
Brazil - Tubarões Assassinos 2(TV Title)
Canada - Attaque du Requin 2
China - 深海巨鲨2(Mandarin)
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Czech Republic - Žralok útočí 2
France - L'Attaque des requins tueurs
France - Shark Attack 2 : Le Carnage
Germany - Shark Attack - The Killer Is Back
Greece - Ta sagonia tou tromou 2
Greece - Τα σαγόνια του τρόμου 2
Hungary - Gyilkos cápák 2.
Italy - Lo squalo bianco
Japan - ディープ・ライジング
Lithuania - Rykliai vel puola
Mexico - El ataque de los tiburones 2
Poland - Atak rekinów 2
Poland - Bestie z morza powracają
Russia - Акулы 2
South Africa - Shark Attack II
Spain - Shark. El demonio del mar
Taiwan - 深海巨鯊2
United Kingdom - Shark Attack II
United States - Shark Attack 2
(original title) - Shark Attack 2
Argentina - Shark, el demonio del mar
Brazil - Tubarões 2
Brazil - Tubarões Assassinos 2(TV Title)
Canada - Attaque du Requin 2
China - 深海巨鲨2(Mandarin)
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Czech Republic - Žralok útočí 2
France - L'Attaque des requins tueurs
France - Shark Attack 2 : Le Carnage
Germany - Shark Attack - The Killer Is Back
Greece - Ta sagonia tou tromou 2
Greece - Τα σαγόνια του τρόμου 2
Hungary - Gyilkos cápák 2.
Italy - Lo squalo bianco
Japan - ディープ・ライジング
Lithuania - Rykliai vel puola
Mexico - El ataque de los tiburones 2
Poland - Atak rekinów 2
Poland - Bestie z morza powracają
Russia - Акулы 2
South Africa - Shark Attack II
Spain - Shark. El demonio del mar
Taiwan - 深海巨鯊2
United Kingdom - Shark Attack II
United States - Shark Attack 2
Actors :
Thorsten Kaye Dr Nick Harris
Nikita Ager Samantha Peterson
Dan Metcalfe Roy Bishop (as Daniel Alexander)
Caroline Bruins Amy Peterson
Danny Keogh Michael Francisco
Rob van Vuuren Daryl Waker (as Robert Van Vuuren)
Warrick Grier Morton
Ian Jepson Jeff
Andrew Klazinga Matt
Alistair Bairnsfather-Cloete Tom Miller (as Alstair Cloete)
Morné Visser Mark Miller
Mark Derman Kenny
Peter Butler Mayor Shandu
Sean Higgs TJ
Rory Atkinson Hootie
Anton Vorster Pierson (as Anton Voster)
Stephen Fry Chuck
Eben Swanepoel Newman
Sean Cameron Michael News Anchor Man (as a different name)
Thorsten Kaye Dr Nick Harris
Nikita Ager Samantha Peterson
Dan Metcalfe Roy Bishop (as Daniel Alexander)
Caroline Bruins Amy Peterson
Danny Keogh Michael Francisco
Rob van Vuuren Daryl Waker (as Robert Van Vuuren)
Warrick Grier Morton
Ian Jepson Jeff
Andrew Klazinga Matt
Alistair Bairnsfather-Cloete Tom Miller (as Alstair Cloete)
Morné Visser Mark Miller
Mark Derman Kenny
Peter Butler Mayor Shandu
Sean Higgs TJ
Rory Atkinson Hootie
Anton Vorster Pierson (as Anton Voster)
Stephen Fry Chuck
Eben Swanepoel Newman
Sean Cameron Michael News Anchor Man (as a different name)
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