In the 1930's, a notorious secret society known as Spermula - centered around the "rapture of being" achieved through a total liberation of the senses - disappeared from "civilized society." They were rumored to have developed supernatural powers. Over time they have honed their powers, and put in motion a plan to return from the future and conquer the world that once exiled them. An elite force of commandos - in the guise of several beautiful females - are charged with the task of neutering the male population. This is to be achieved by extracting the male reproductive fluids (orally) - allowing the decadent human race to eventually die off from natural attrition. Ingrid (Dayle Haddon), leading the Spermulan assault, sets about ...
Original Title : SPERMULA
Director(s) : Charles Matton
Writer(s) : Charles Matton
Genre(s) : Horror,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 43 minYear : 1976Country : FranceLangage : FrenchRatio : 1.66 : 1French Release : 1976-07-07Aka(s) :
(original title) - Spermula
Australia - Spermula
Canada - Spermula
Ecuador - Spermula
France - Spermula
France - L'amour est un fleuve en Russie(Working Title)
Germany - Spermula
Italy - Spermula
Japan - Spermula
Poland - Spermula
Portugal - Spermula - A Vampira de Homens
Portugal - Spermula, a Vampira de Homens
Soviet Union - Спермула
United Kingdom - Spermula
United States - Spermula
(original title) - Spermula
Australia - Spermula
Canada - Spermula
Ecuador - Spermula
France - Spermula
France - L'amour est un fleuve en Russie(Working Title)
Germany - Spermula
Italy - Spermula
Japan - Spermula
Poland - Spermula
Portugal - Spermula - A Vampira de Homens
Portugal - Spermula, a Vampira de Homens
Soviet Union - Спермула
United Kingdom - Spermula
United States - Spermula
Actors :
Dayle Haddon Ingrid - Spermula
Udo Kier Werner
François Dunoyer Tristan
Jocelyne Boisseau Cascade
Ginette Leclerc Gromana
Isabelle Mercanton Blanche
Georges Géret Albert Grop
Radiah Frye Ruth
Angela McDonald Gilda
Suzannah Djian Diamant
Myriam Mézières Bonne
Karin Petersen Sala
Valérie Bonnier Liberte
Sylvie Matton Sylvie (as Sylvie Meyer)
Diana Chase Diana
Christian Chevreuse Cardinal
Hervé Hallf Pierre
Alain Flick Choupetit
Benny Luke Luc
Gérard Tardy Petit Curé
Roxiane De Montaignac Roxiane
Dominique Basquin Dominique
Maud Darsy La Vieille Dane
Marie France Rita
Joan Kohler Joan
Aline Ruat Caline
Céline La Frenière Celine
Annette Deweger Annette
Viveka Grey Marie-Jo
Vibeke Knudsen-Bergeron Natacha (as Natacha Knudsen)
Francis Rignault Francis
Piéral Ivan
Eva Ionesco Petite fille (uncredited)
Dayle Haddon Ingrid - Spermula
Udo Kier Werner
François Dunoyer Tristan
Jocelyne Boisseau Cascade
Ginette Leclerc Gromana
Isabelle Mercanton Blanche
Georges Géret Albert Grop
Radiah Frye Ruth
Angela McDonald Gilda
Suzannah Djian Diamant
Myriam Mézières Bonne
Karin Petersen Sala
Valérie Bonnier Liberte
Sylvie Matton Sylvie (as Sylvie Meyer)
Diana Chase Diana
Christian Chevreuse Cardinal
Hervé Hallf Pierre
Alain Flick Choupetit
Benny Luke Luc
Gérard Tardy Petit Curé
Roxiane De Montaignac Roxiane
Dominique Basquin Dominique
Maud Darsy La Vieille Dane
Marie France Rita
Joan Kohler Joan
Aline Ruat Caline
Céline La Frenière Celine
Annette Deweger Annette
Viveka Grey Marie-Jo
Vibeke Knudsen-Bergeron Natacha (as Natacha Knudsen)
Francis Rignault Francis
Piéral Ivan
Eva Ionesco Petite fille (uncredited)
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