test Straw Dogsa Straw Dogs (1971) - Sam Peckinpah

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Straw Dogs


Upon moving to Britain to get away from American violence, astrophysicist David Sumner and his wife Amy are bullied and taken advantage of by the locals hired to do construction. When David finally takes a stand it escalates quickly into a bloody battle as the locals assault his house.

Original Title : STRAW DOGS
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Crime,Drama,Thriller
Length : 1 h 53 minYear : 1971Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2009-10-28US Release : 1971-12-22
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Straw Dogs
Argentina - Los perros de paja
Australia - Straw Dogs
Belgium - De weg naar de hel(Flemish)
Brazil - Cães de Palha(Alternative Title)
Brazil - Sob o Domínio do Mal(TV Title)
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Brazil - Sob o Domínio do Medo
Bulgaria - Сламени кучета
Canada - Straw Dogs
Canada - Les chiens de paille
Croatia - Psi od slame
Czech Republic - Strašáci
Denmark - Køterne
Ecuador - Straw Dogs
Egypt - Straw Dogs
Finland - Olkikoirat
Finland - Halmhundarna
France - Les Chiens de paille
Germany - Wer Gewalt sät
Greece - Adespota skylia
Greece - Αδέσποτα σκυλιά
Hungary - Szalmakutyák
India - Straw Dogs
India - Straw Dogs
Iran - Saghaye Pooshali
Israel - Straw Dogs
Italy - Cane di paglia
Japan - Wara no inu
Japan - わらの犬(1971)
Lithuania - Šiaudiniai šunys
Mexico - Los perros de paja
Mexico - Perros de paja
Netherlands - Straw Dogs
Norway - Kjøterne
Peru - Los perros de paja
Philippines - Straw Dogs
Poland - Nędzne psy
Portugal - Cães de Palha
Romania - Amenintarea
Russia - Соломенные псы
Serbia - Пси од сламе
Singapore - Straw Dogs
Slovenia - Slamnati psi
South Korea - Straw Dogs
Spain - Perros de paja
Spain - Gossos de palla
Sweden - Straw Dogs
Sweden - Straw Dogs - De galna hundarna
Sweden - Straw Dogs - det galna gänget
Taiwan - 大丈夫
Thailand - Straw Dogs
Turkey - Köpekler
Ukraine - Солом'яні пси
United Kingdom - Straw Dogs
United Kingdom - Sam Peckinpah's Straw Dogs
United States - Straw Dogs
Actors :
David Sumner
Tom Hedden
Maj John Scott
Charlie Venner
Chris Cawsey
Norman Scutt
Bobby Hedden
Janice Hedden
Harry Ware (as Robert Keegan)
John Niles
Louise Hood
Rev Barney Hood
Mrs Hebden (uncredited)
Man in Pub (uncredited)
Emma Hebden (uncredited)
Bertie Hedden (uncredited)
Henry Niles (uncredited)

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