test The Dark Halfa The Dark Half (1993) - George A Romero

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The Dark Half


When Thad Beaumont was a child, he had an operation to remove a tumour from his brain. during the operation, it was discovered that far from being a tumor, the growth was a twin brother of Thad's that never developed. Years later, Thad is a successful author, writing his serious books under his own name, and his pulp money-makers under the pseudonum "George Stark". When blackmailed by someone who has discovered his secret, Thad publically "buries" George Stark. From that point on, Thad increasingly becomes the prime suspect in a series of gruesome murders.

Original Title : THE DARK HALF
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Mystery,Thriller
Length : 2 hs 2 minYear : 1993Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 1993-08-18US Release : 1993-04-23
Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Dark Half
Argentina - La mitad siniestra
Australia - The Dark Half
Brazil - A Metade Negra
Bulgaria - Тъмната половина(Bulgarian)
Canada - The Dark Half

Canada - La Part des Tenebres
Czech Republic - Druhé já
Czech Republic - Temná polovina
Czech Republic - Temná půle
Denmark - Mørkets halvdel
Ecuador - The Dark Half
Finland - Pimeä Puoli
France - La Part des ténèbres
Germany - Stephen Kings Stark
Greece - To skoteino ego
Greece - Το σκοτεινό εγώ
Hungary - Halálos árnyék
India - The Dark Half
India - डार्क हाफ
Italy - La metà oscura
Japan - ダーク・ハーフ
Lithuania - Tamsioji pusė
Mexico - La mitad siniestra
Poland - Mroczna połowa
Portugal - A Face Oculta
Romania - Jumatatea intunecata
Russia - Тёмная половина
Serbia - Мрачна половина
Spain - La mitad oscura
Spain - La meitat fosca
Ukraine - Темна половина
United Kingdom - The Dark Half
United States - The Dark Half
Uruguay - La mitad siniestra
Actors :
Thad Beaumont /George Stark
Liz Beaumont
Sheriff Alan Pangborn
Reggie Delesseps
Fred Clawson
Mike Donaldson
Shayla Beaumont
Miriam Cowley
Rick Cowley
Dr Pritchard
Young Thad Beaumont
Digger Holt
Homer Gamache
Wendy Beaumont /William Beaumont
Wendy Beaumont /William Beaumont
Todd Pangborn
Annie Pangborn
Officer Hamilton
Dr Albertson
Head Nurse
Male Nurse
Male Student
Trudy Wiggins
Pangborn's Receptionist
Norris Ridgewick (as Zachery Bill Mott)
Trooper #1 (as David Butler)
Trooper #2
NYC Cop #1
NYC Cop #2
Man in the Hallway
Donaldson Cop #1
Donaldson Cop #2
Officer #1
Officer #2
Young Officer
Thad Beaumont /George Stark (Double) (uncredited)
Babysitter (uncredited)
Officer (uncredited)
Customer (uncredited)
The Dark Half

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