test The Devil's Advocatea The Devil's Advocate (1997) - Taylor Hackford

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The Devil's Advocate


evil's Advocate thematically raises the preposition that 'is winning everything' in the legal profession.Does a lawyer commits the basic sin of Vanity if he believes his job is to win, as Kevin does. Further the movie in John Milton's trenchant speech questions the very notion of righteousness in the post-modern world. Milton's speech rips apart the whole discourse of religion when he presents the inherent contradiction of it. Kevin's dilemma reflects the modern man who accuses the circumstances for being what he is,the culture dominated by making money 'which build egos of the size of cathedral', the question is can one really call what one does 'freely-willed'?. The movie deals with these 'Hamltian questions' in a lawyer's mind.

Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Drama,Fantasy,Mystery
Length : 2 hs 24 minYear : 1997Country : United StatesCoulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 2000-01-01US Release : 1997-10-17
Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Devil's Advocate
Argentina - El abogado del diablo
Australia - The Devil's Advocate
Austria - Im Auftrag des Teufels
Azerbaijan - İblisin vəkili
Belgium - De advocaat van de duivel(Flemish, dubbed version)
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Brazil - O Advogado do Diabo
Brazil - Advogado do Diabo
Bulgaria - Адвокат на Дявола
Canada - The Devil's Advocate
Canada - Devil's Advocate
Canada - L'avocat du diable
Croatia - Đavolji odvjetnik
Czech Republic - Dábluv advokát
Denmark - Djævelens advokat
Ecuador - El abogado del diablo
Egypt - The Devil's Advocate
Estonia - Kurjuse kaitsja
Finland - Paholaisen asianajaja
Finland - Djävulens advokat
France - L'Associé du diable
Germany - Im Auftrag des Teufels
Greece - O dikigoros tou diavolou
Greece - Ο δικηγόρος του διαβόλου
Hong Kong - The Devil's Advocate
Hungary - Az ördög ügyvédje
India - The Devil's Advocate
India - The Devil's Advocate
Indonesia - The Devil's Advocate
Israel - The Devil's Advocate
Italy - L'avvocato del diavolo
Japan - Diabolos
Japan - ディアボロス 悪魔の扉
Kazakhstan - Ібілістің қорғаушысы
Kazakhstan - Адвокат дьявола
Lithuania - Velnio advokatas
Mexico - El abogado del diablo
Netherlands - Devil's Advocate
Norway - Djevelens advokat
Peru - El abogado del diablo
Philippines - The Devil's Advocate
Poland - Adwokat diabła
Portugal - O Advogado do Diabo
Romania - Avocatul diavolului
Romania - Pact cu Diavolul
Russia - Адвокат дьявола
Serbia - Ђавољи адвокат
Singapore - The Devil's Advocate
Slovakia - Diablov advokát
Slovenia - Hudicev advokat
South Africa - The Devil's Advocate
South Korea - The Devil's Advocate
Spain - Pactar con el diablo
Spain - Pactar amb el diable
Sweden - Djävulens advokat
Taiwan - 魔鬼代言人
Actors :
Kevin Lomax
John Milton
Mary Ann Lomax
Eddie Barzoon
Mrs Alice Lomax
Christabella Andreoli
Alexander Cullen
Mrs Jackie Heath
Leamon Heath
Pam Garrety
Mitch Weaver - Justice Department
Melissa Black
Mrs Diana Barzoon
Lloyd Gettys (as Christopher Bauer)
Mrs Bernice Gettys
Gettys' Son
Barbara's Father
Florida Prosecutor
Garson Deeds - Florida Judge
Larry - Florida Reporter
Florida Bailiff
Florida Lawyer #1
Junkie in Harlem
Boy in Harlem
Judge Sklar - Moyez Trial
Pie Face
Arnold - Metro Assistant District Attorney
Chinese Man
Menage A Trois Woman
Don King
Fight Fan
Fight Fan
Joyce Rensaleer
Takaori Osumi
Parvathi Resh
Bashir Toabal (as MB Ghaffari)
Multi-Lingual Party Guest
Female #1
Limo Driver
Botanica Woman
Big Guy #1
Big Guy #2
Babs Coleman
Tiffany (as Gloria L Henry)
Spanish Restaurant Manager
Flamenco Guitarist (as Jose Fernandes Torres)
Flamenco Singer (as Antonio Vargas Cortes)
Flamenco Dancer (as Elena Camunez Andujar)
Alessandra Cullen
Feeney the Doorman
Paparazzi (as Juan Hernandez)
Gizelle (as Wei Mei)
Woman Judge
Reporter #1
Reporter #2
Reporter #3
Judge Poe
Bailiff #1
Bailiff #2
District Attorney Broygo
Old Man #1
Old Man #2
Jogger #1
Jogger #2
Nurse #2
Patient Nurse
Orderly #1
Sen Alfonse D'Amato - Barzoon Party (as Senator Alfonse D'Amato)
Ambassador Charles Gagano - Barzoon Party (as Ambassador Charles Gagano)
Lou Rudin - Barzoon Party
Ernie Grunseld - Barzoon Party (as Ernie Grunseld)
Alan Grubman - Barzoon Party
Helicopter Pilot
Member of Band (as Cadillac Moon)
Member of Band (as Cadillac Moon)
Member of Band (as Cadillac Moon)
Member of Band (as Cadillac Moon)
Member of Band (as Cadillac Moon)
Fan (uncredited)
Male in Living Sculpture (uncredited)
Walter Krasna (uncredited)
Reporter (uncredited)
Female in Living Sculpture (uncredited)
Courthouse Reporter (uncredited)
Juror (uncredited)
Mourner (uncredited)
The Suspect Juror 4 (uncredited)
Reporter (uncredited)
Party Guest (uncredited)
Party Guest (uncredited)
NY health code associate (uncredited)
Attorney (uncredited)
Juror (uncredited)
Phillipe Moyez (uncredited)
Restaurant Cheff (uncredited)
Jorge London (uncredited)
Upper East Side Lady (uncredited)
The demon sculpture-main woman (uncredited)
Bar Patron (uncredited)
News Reporter (uncredited)
Bar Patron #1 (uncredited)
Jury Member (uncredited)

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