The Divide is a high concept post-apocalyptic thriller that opens with pandemonium and a chaotic sprint towards the basement of a New York apartment building, just moments before the city outside is decimated...
When a cataclysmic explosion devastates New York, eight strangers take refuge in the basement of their apartment building, a converted fallout shelter designed by their paranoid superintendent Mickey. With just three connecting rooms it’s barely big enough, but with stockpiles of food and water, the group are at least safe from the horrors outside, and they settle in and attempt to fathom the catastrophe that has ended the lives of so many of their loved ones.
But suddenly men in HAZMAT suits storm their shelter and open fire. The strangers join forces in a desperate bid to take on this enemy with no one understanding what these HAZMATS are looking for and what drives them to be so merciless. With fatalities on both sides and the remaining HAZMATS temporarily pushed back and locked out, the worst is yet to come for the group. Cabin fever sets in as the perception of the shelter shifts from safe haven to claustrophobic rat trap. Fear of radiation poisoning and dwindling supplies play on their minds while the young, beautiful Eva has more immediate worries: Her fiancé, Sam, is weaker than the other males, who are slowly starting to regress into ruthless, violent predators.
As tension mounts, their sanctuary becomes a living hell, and with Sam powerless to protect Eva, she must rely on her wits to save herself from becoming at the mercy of the pack in a thrilling final act.
With twists and turns throughout, and no way of knowing who will make it out alive, The Divide is an action-packed psychological thriller that combines ‘Assault on Precinct 13’ with ‘Lord of the Flies’. To survive the end of the world, you first must survive each other...
When a cataclysmic explosion devastates New York, eight strangers take refuge in the basement of their apartment building, a converted fallout shelter designed by their paranoid superintendent Mickey. With just three connecting rooms it’s barely big enough, but with stockpiles of food and water, the group are at least safe from the horrors outside, and they settle in and attempt to fathom the catastrophe that has ended the lives of so many of their loved ones.
But suddenly men in HAZMAT suits storm their shelter and open fire. The strangers join forces in a desperate bid to take on this enemy with no one understanding what these HAZMATS are looking for and what drives them to be so merciless. With fatalities on both sides and the remaining HAZMATS temporarily pushed back and locked out, the worst is yet to come for the group. Cabin fever sets in as the perception of the shelter shifts from safe haven to claustrophobic rat trap. Fear of radiation poisoning and dwindling supplies play on their minds while the young, beautiful Eva has more immediate worries: Her fiancé, Sam, is weaker than the other males, who are slowly starting to regress into ruthless, violent predators.
As tension mounts, their sanctuary becomes a living hell, and with Sam powerless to protect Eva, she must rely on her wits to save herself from becoming at the mercy of the pack in a thrilling final act.
With twists and turns throughout, and no way of knowing who will make it out alive, The Divide is an action-packed psychological thriller that combines ‘Assault on Precinct 13’ with ‘Lord of the Flies’. To survive the end of the world, you first must survive each other...
Original Title : THE DIVIDE
Director(s) : Xavier Gens
Writer(s) : Karl Mueller (written by) and, Eron Sheean (written by)
Genre(s) : Drama,Horror,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 52 minYear : 2011Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1French Release : 2012-06-01US Release : 2012-01-13Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Divide
Australia - The Divide
Brazil - O Abrigo
Bulgaria - Разделителна линия(Bulgarian)
Canada - The Divide
Canada - L'exclusion
China - 隔绝
Croatia - Podjela
France - The Divide
Germany - The Divide - Die Hölle, das sind die Anderen!
Germany - The Fallout
Hungary - Hasadás
India - The Divide
Italy - The Divide
Japan - ディヴァイド
Lithuania - Atskirtis
Mexico - Aislados
Philippines - The Divide
Poland - Bunkier
Portugal - Os Humanos
Romania - Înstrainati
Russia - Разделитель
Serbia - Podela
Singapore - The Divide
Spain - Aislados
Sweden - The Divide
Taiwan - 崩裂:毀滅殺陣
Turkey - Mahşer Günü
United Kingdom - The Divide
United States - The Divide
Vietnam - Sự Chia Cắt
(original title) - The Divide
Australia - The Divide
Brazil - O Abrigo
Bulgaria - Разделителна линия(Bulgarian)
Canada - The Divide
Canada - L'exclusion
China - 隔绝
Croatia - Podjela
France - The Divide
Germany - The Divide - Die Hölle, das sind die Anderen!
Germany - The Fallout
Hungary - Hasadás
India - The Divide
Italy - The Divide
Japan - ディヴァイド
Lithuania - Atskirtis
Mexico - Aislados
Philippines - The Divide
Poland - Bunkier
Portugal - Os Humanos
Romania - Înstrainati
Russia - Разделитель
Serbia - Podela
Singapore - The Divide
Spain - Aislados
Sweden - The Divide
Taiwan - 崩裂:毀滅殺陣
Turkey - Mahşer Günü
United Kingdom - The Divide
United States - The Divide
Vietnam - Sự Chia Cắt
Actors :
Lauren German Eva
Michael Biehn Mickey
Milo Ventimiglia Josh
Courtney B Vance Delvin
Ashton Holmes Adrien
Rosanna Arquette Marilyn
Iván González Sam
Michael Eklund Bobby
Abbey Thickson Wendi
Jennifer Blanc-Biehn Liz (as Jennifer Blanc)
Lauren German Eva
Michael Biehn Mickey
Milo Ventimiglia Josh
Courtney B Vance Delvin
Ashton Holmes Adrien
Rosanna Arquette Marilyn
Iván González Sam
Michael Eklund Bobby
Abbey Thickson Wendi
Jennifer Blanc-Biehn Liz (as Jennifer Blanc)
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Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
LALY_241 - /06/14 at 20:21
# 1
Espectacular trama con actores de lujo de gran experiencia y nivel internacional. Para no perderse ni un minuto.
His rating: 10/10Leave your comment
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