When a mercenary warrior (Matt Damon) is imprisoned within the Great Wall, he discovers the mystery behind one of the greatest wonders of the world. As wave after wave of marauding beasts besiege the massive structure, his quest for fortune turns into a journey toward heroism as he joins a huge army of elite warriors to confront the unimaginable and seemingly unstoppable force.
Original Title : THE GREAT WALL
Director(s) : Yimou Zhang
Writer(s) : Carlo Bernard (screenplay) &, Doug Miro (screenplay) and, Tony Gilroy (screenplay), , Max Brooks (story) and, Edward Zwick (story) &, Marshall Herskovitz (story)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Fantasy
Length : 1 h 43 minYear : 2016Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 2017-01-11US Release : 2017-02-17Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Great Wall
Argentina - La gran muralla
Australia - The Great Wall
Brazil - A Grande Muralha
Bulgaria - Великата стена(Bulgarian)
Canada - The Great Wall
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the streaming release date of La Grande Muraille (2016) in India?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Canada - La grande muraille
Chile - La gran muralla
China - 万里长城
China - 长城
Croatia - Kineski zid
Czech Republic - Velká čínská zeď
Ecuador - La gran muralla
Egypt - The Great Wall
Estonia - Suur Hiina müür
France - La Grande Muraille
Germany - The Great Wall
Greece - Το Σινικό Τείχος
Hong Kong - The Great Wall
Hungary - A Nagy Fal
India - The Great Wall
India - The Great Wall
Indonesia - The Great Wall
Israel - Ha'khoma ha'gdola
Italy - The Great Wall
Japan - グレートウォール
Latvia - Lielais Ķīnas mūris
Lithuania - Didžioji siena
Mexico - La gran muralla
Netherlands - The Great Wall
New Zealand - The Great Wall
Peru - La gran muralla
Philippines - The Great Wall
Poland - Wielki Mur
Portugal - A Grande Muralha
Romania - Marele Zid
Russia - Великая стена
Serbia - Veliki kineski zid
Singapore - The Great Wall
Slovakia - Veľký čínsky múr
Slovenia - Kitajski zid
South Africa - The Great Wall
South Korea - The Great Wall
Spain - La Gran Muralla
Sweden - The Great Wall
Taiwan - 長城
Thailand - The Great Wall
Turkey - Çin Seddi
Ukraine - Велика стіна
United Arab Emirates - The Great Wall
United Kingdom - The Great Wall
United States - The Great Wall
Uruguay - La gran muralla
Uzbekistan - Buyuk devor
Vietnam - Tử Chiến Tường Thành
(original title) - The Great Wall
Argentina - La gran muralla
Australia - The Great Wall
Brazil - A Grande Muralha
Bulgaria - Великата стена(Bulgarian)
Canada - The Great Wall
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the streaming release date of La Grande Muraille (2016) in India?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Canada - La grande muraille
Chile - La gran muralla
China - 万里长城
China - 长城
Croatia - Kineski zid
Czech Republic - Velká čínská zeď
Ecuador - La gran muralla
Egypt - The Great Wall
Estonia - Suur Hiina müür
France - La Grande Muraille
Germany - The Great Wall
Greece - Το Σινικό Τείχος
Hong Kong - The Great Wall
Hungary - A Nagy Fal
India - The Great Wall
India - The Great Wall
Indonesia - The Great Wall
Israel - Ha'khoma ha'gdola
Italy - The Great Wall
Japan - グレートウォール
Latvia - Lielais Ķīnas mūris
Lithuania - Didžioji siena
Mexico - La gran muralla
Netherlands - The Great Wall
New Zealand - The Great Wall
Peru - La gran muralla
Philippines - The Great Wall
Poland - Wielki Mur
Portugal - A Grande Muralha
Romania - Marele Zid
Russia - Великая стена
Serbia - Veliki kineski zid
Singapore - The Great Wall
Slovakia - Veľký čínsky múr
Slovenia - Kitajski zid
South Africa - The Great Wall
South Korea - The Great Wall
Spain - La Gran Muralla
Sweden - The Great Wall
Taiwan - 長城
Thailand - The Great Wall
Turkey - Çin Seddi
Ukraine - Велика стіна
United Arab Emirates - The Great Wall
United Kingdom - The Great Wall
United States - The Great Wall
Uruguay - La gran muralla
Uzbekistan - Buyuk devor
Vietnam - Tử Chiến Tường Thành
Actors :
Matt Damon William
Tian Jing Commander Lin Mae
Willem Dafoe Ballard
Andy Lau Strategist Wang
Pedro Pascal Tovar
Hanyu Zhang General Shao
Han Lu Peng Yong
Kenny Lin Commander Chen
Eddie Peng Commander Wu
Xuan Huang Commander Deng
Ryan Zheng Shen (as Zheng Kai)
Karry Wang Emperor (as Junkai Wang)
Cheney Chen Imperial Officer
Pilou Asbæk Bouchard
Numan Acar Najid
Johnny Cicco Rizzetti
Vicky Yu Lieutenant Xiao Yu (as Xintian Yu)
Bing Liu Lin Mae's 2nd Lieutenant Li Qing
Stephen Chang General Zhang (uncredited)
Matt Damon William
Tian Jing Commander Lin Mae
Willem Dafoe Ballard
Andy Lau Strategist Wang
Pedro Pascal Tovar
Hanyu Zhang General Shao
Han Lu Peng Yong
Kenny Lin Commander Chen
Eddie Peng Commander Wu
Xuan Huang Commander Deng
Ryan Zheng Shen (as Zheng Kai)
Karry Wang Emperor (as Junkai Wang)
Cheney Chen Imperial Officer
Pilou Asbæk Bouchard
Numan Acar Najid
Johnny Cicco Rizzetti
Vicky Yu Lieutenant Xiao Yu (as Xintian Yu)
Bing Liu Lin Mae's 2nd Lieutenant Li Qing
Stephen Chang General Zhang (uncredited)
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