A film fanatic's obsession with finding a complete print of a classic slasher movie leads him and two friends into the backwoods where the film was shot. They realize too late that filming never ended -- the movie's star, the deformed, murderous BABY FACE, and his twisted family continue to film and kill unsuspecting victims. Now our heroes must survive the nightmarish onslaught or become part of the movie forever.
Original Title : THE HILLS RUN RED
Director(s) : Dave Parker
Writer(s) : David J Schow (teleplay), , John Dombrow (screenplay: original screenplay), , John Carchietta (story)
Genre(s) : Horror,Mystery,Thriller
Length : 1 h 21 minLangage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1US Release : 2009-09-29Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Hills Run Red
Albania - Kodrat e Përgjakura(cable TV title)
Argentina - Bosque sangriento(DVD Title)
Australia - The Hills Run Red
Brazil - Colinas de Sangue
Bulgaria - Хълмовете стават червени(Bulgarian)
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Czech Republic - Hory zalité krví
France - The Hills Run Red
Germany - The Hills Run Red - Drehbuch des Todes
Greece - Οι λόφοι βάφτηκαν κόκκινοι
Hungary - Sziklák vére
Italy - Le colline sanguinano
Mexico - Bosque sangriento
Poland - Krwawe wzgórza
Portugal - Colinas Sangrentas
Romania - Dealurile mortii
Russia - Окровавленные холмы
Spain - Colinas sangrientas
Taiwan - 奪魂電影
Thailand - The Hills Run Red
United Kingdom - The Hills Run Red
United States - The Hills Run Red
(original title) - The Hills Run Red
Albania - Kodrat e Përgjakura(cable TV title)
Argentina - Bosque sangriento(DVD Title)
Australia - The Hills Run Red
Brazil - Colinas de Sangue
Bulgaria - Хълмовете стават червени(Bulgarian)
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Czech Republic - Hory zalité krví
France - The Hills Run Red
Germany - The Hills Run Red - Drehbuch des Todes
Greece - Οι λόφοι βάφτηκαν κόκκινοι
Hungary - Sziklák vére
Italy - Le colline sanguinano
Mexico - Bosque sangriento
Poland - Krwawe wzgórza
Portugal - Colinas Sangrentas
Romania - Dealurile mortii
Russia - Окровавленные холмы
Spain - Colinas sangrientas
Taiwan - 奪魂電影
Thailand - The Hills Run Red
United Kingdom - The Hills Run Red
United States - The Hills Run Red
Actors :
Sophie Monk Alexa
Tad Hilgenbrink Tyler (as Tad Hilgenbrinck)
William Sadler Concannon
Janet Montgomery Serina
Alex Wyndham Lalo
Ewan Bailey Sonny
Danko Jordanov Babyface (as Danko Iordanov)
Mike Straub Gabe
Hristo Mitzkov Jimbo
Georgi Dimitrov Lance (as Georgi Dimitrov-Bomba)
Ekaterina Temelkova Sherri
Raicho Vasilev Babyface actor
Itai Diakov Teen Babyface (as Ithai Dyakov)
Petya Ivanova Alexa, age 5
Elene Mshvidobadze Alexa, age 10
Velizara Stoyanova Dancer
Joy McBrinn Belle (uncredited)
Sophie Monk Alexa
Tad Hilgenbrink Tyler (as Tad Hilgenbrinck)
William Sadler Concannon
Janet Montgomery Serina
Alex Wyndham Lalo
Ewan Bailey Sonny
Danko Jordanov Babyface (as Danko Iordanov)
Mike Straub Gabe
Hristo Mitzkov Jimbo
Georgi Dimitrov Lance (as Georgi Dimitrov-Bomba)
Ekaterina Temelkova Sherri
Raicho Vasilev Babyface actor
Itai Diakov Teen Babyface (as Ithai Dyakov)
Petya Ivanova Alexa, age 5
Elene Mshvidobadze Alexa, age 10
Velizara Stoyanova Dancer
Joy McBrinn Belle (uncredited)
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