Aragorn leads the World of Men against Sauron's army to draw the dark lord's gaze from Frodo and Sam who are on the doorstep of Mount Doom with the One Ring.
Director(s) : Peter Jackson
Writer(s) : JRR Tolkien (novel), , Fran Walsh (screenplay) &, Philippa Boyens (screenplay) &, Peter Jackson (screenplay)
Genre(s) : Adventure,Drama,Fantasy
Length : 3 hs 21 minYear : 2003Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 2003-12-17US Release : 2003-12-17Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Albania - Kryezoti i Unazave: Kthimi i Mbretit(Alternative Title)
Argentina - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Australia - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Azerbaijan - Üzüklərin hökmdarı: Kralın qayıdışı
Brazil - O Senhor dos Anéis: O Retorno do Rei
50 more
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Властелинът на пръстените: Завръщането на краля
Canada - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Canada - Le seigneur des anneaux: Le retour du roi
China - 指环王:王者无敌
Croatia - Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja
Czech Republic - Pán prstenů: Návrat krále
Denmark - Ringenes herre: Kongen vender tilbage
Ecuador - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Egypt - Seyed alkhavatem 3: Awdat almalek
Estonia - Sõrmuste isand: Kuninga tagasitulek
Finland - Taru Sormusten Herrasta - Kuninkaan paluu
Finland - Taru sormusten herrasta: Kuninkaan paluu
Finland - Sagan om konungens återkomst
France - Le Seigneur des anneaux : Le Retour du roi
Germany - Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs
Greece - O arhontas ton dahtylidion: I epistrofi tou vasilia
Greece - Ο άρχοντας των δαχτυλιδιών: Η επιστροφή του βασιλιά
Hong Kong - 魔戒三部曲:王者再臨
Hong Kong - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Hungary - A Gyűrűk Ura: A király visszatér
Iceland - Hringadróttinssaga: Hilmir snýr heim
India - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
India - दी लार्ड ऑफ दी रिंग्स: रिर्टन ऑफ दी किंग
India - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Indonesia - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Iran - Arbab-e halgheha 3: Bazgasht-e padeshah
Ireland - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Israel - Sar Hatabaot: Shivat Hamelekh'
Italy - Il Signore degli Anelli - Il ritorno del re
Japan - Rôdo obu za ringu - Ô no kikan
Japan - ロード・オブ・ザ・リング 王の帰還
Kazakhstan - Жүзіктер әміршісі: Патшаның оралуы
Kazakhstan - Сақиналар әміршісі: Патшаның оралуы
Kazakhstan - Властелин колец: Возвращение короля
Latvia - Gredzenu pavēlnieks: Karaļa atgriešanās
Lithuania - Žiedų valdovas. Karaliaus sugrįžimas
Mexico - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Netherlands - In de ban van de ring: De terugkeer van de koning
New Zealand - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
New Zealand - The Return of the King
North Macedonia - Gospodarot na prstenite: Vrakjanjeto na kralot
Norway - Ringenes herre: Atter en konge
Panama - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Peru - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Philippines - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Poland - Władca Pierścieni: Powrót króla
Portugal - O Senhor dos Anéis - O Regresso do Rei
Romania - Stăpânul inelelor: Întoarcerea regelui
Russia - Властелин колец: Возвращение короля
Serbia - Господар прстенова: Повратак краља
(original title) - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Albania - Kryezoti i Unazave: Kthimi i Mbretit(Alternative Title)
Argentina - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Australia - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Azerbaijan - Üzüklərin hökmdarı: Kralın qayıdışı
Brazil - O Senhor dos Anéis: O Retorno do Rei
50 more
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Bulgaria - Властелинът на пръстените: Завръщането на краля
Canada - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Canada - Le seigneur des anneaux: Le retour du roi
China - 指环王:王者无敌
Croatia - Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja
Czech Republic - Pán prstenů: Návrat krále
Denmark - Ringenes herre: Kongen vender tilbage
Ecuador - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Egypt - Seyed alkhavatem 3: Awdat almalek
Estonia - Sõrmuste isand: Kuninga tagasitulek
Finland - Taru Sormusten Herrasta - Kuninkaan paluu
Finland - Taru sormusten herrasta: Kuninkaan paluu
Finland - Sagan om konungens återkomst
France - Le Seigneur des anneaux : Le Retour du roi
Germany - Der Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs
Greece - O arhontas ton dahtylidion: I epistrofi tou vasilia
Greece - Ο άρχοντας των δαχτυλιδιών: Η επιστροφή του βασιλιά
Hong Kong - 魔戒三部曲:王者再臨
Hong Kong - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Hungary - A Gyűrűk Ura: A király visszatér
Iceland - Hringadróttinssaga: Hilmir snýr heim
India - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
India - दी लार्ड ऑफ दी रिंग्स: रिर्टन ऑफ दी किंग
India - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Indonesia - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Iran - Arbab-e halgheha 3: Bazgasht-e padeshah
Ireland - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Israel - Sar Hatabaot: Shivat Hamelekh'
Italy - Il Signore degli Anelli - Il ritorno del re
Japan - Rôdo obu za ringu - Ô no kikan
Japan - ロード・オブ・ザ・リング 王の帰還
Kazakhstan - Жүзіктер әміршісі: Патшаның оралуы
Kazakhstan - Сақиналар әміршісі: Патшаның оралуы
Kazakhstan - Властелин колец: Возвращение короля
Latvia - Gredzenu pavēlnieks: Karaļa atgriešanās
Lithuania - Žiedų valdovas. Karaliaus sugrįžimas
Mexico - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Netherlands - In de ban van de ring: De terugkeer van de koning
New Zealand - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
New Zealand - The Return of the King
North Macedonia - Gospodarot na prstenite: Vrakjanjeto na kralot
Norway - Ringenes herre: Atter en konge
Panama - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Peru - El señor de los anillos: El retorno del rey
Philippines - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Poland - Władca Pierścieni: Powrót króla
Portugal - O Senhor dos Anéis - O Regresso do Rei
Romania - Stăpânul inelelor: Întoarcerea regelui
Russia - Властелин колец: Возвращение короля
Serbia - Господар прстенова: Повратак краља
Actors :
Noel Appleby Everard Proudfoot
Ali Astin Elanor Gamgee (as Alexandra Astin)
Sean Astin Sam
David Aston Gondorian Soldier 3
John Bach Madril
Sean Bean Boromir
Cate Blanchett Galadriel
Orlando Bloom Legolas
Billy Boyd Pippin
Sadwyn Brophy Eldarion
Alistair Browning Damrod
Marton Csokas Celeborn
Richard Edge Gondorian Soldier 1
Jason Fitch Uruk 2
Bernard Hill Theoden
Ian Holm Bilbo
Bruce Hopkins Gamling
Ian Hughes Irolas
Lawrence Makoare Witchking /Gothmog
Ian McKellen Gandalf
Bret McKenzie Elf Escort
Sarah McLeod Rosie Cotton
Maisy McLeod-Riera Baby Gamgee (as Maisie McLeod-Riera)
Dominic Monaghan Merry
Viggo Mortensen Aragorn
John Noble Denethor
Paul Norell King of the Dead
Miranda Otto Eowyn
Bruce Phillips Grimbold
Shane Rangi Harad Leader 2
John Rhys-Davies Gimli
Todd Rippon Harad Leader 1
Thomas Robins Deagol
Andy Serkis Gollum /Smeagol
Harry Sinclair Isildur
Peter Tait Shagrat
Joel Tobeck Orc Lieutenant 1 (as Joel Tolbeck)
Liv Tyler Arwen
Karl Urban Eomer
Stephen Ure Gorbag
Hugo Weaving Elrond
David Wenham Faramir
Elijah Wood Frodo
Alan Howard Voice of the Ring (voice)
Sala Baker Featured Orc
Robert Pollock Featured Orc
Ross Duncan Featured Orc
Pete Smith Featured Orc
Jed Brophy Featured Orc
Lee Hartley Featured Orc
Billy Jackson Featured Child
Katherine Jackson Featured Child (as Katie Jackson)
Brad Dourif Wormtongue (extended edition)
Phil Grieve Orc commander (Extended Edition) (as Phillip Grieve)
Michael Harrison Coronation Elf /Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Ranger /Rohan Soldier
Christopher Lee Saruman (extended edition)
Bruce Spence Black Lieutenant (extended edition)
Jane Abbott Coronation Elf (uncredited)
Gino Acevedo Corsair of Umbar (uncredited)
Narelle Ahrens Herbalist (uncredited)
Geoff Allen Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Frazer Anderson Orc (uncredited)
Daniel Andrews Gondorian Soldier /Orc (uncredited)
Maria Arnott Gondorian Civilian (uncredited)
Ben Barrington Ranger (uncredited)
Aidan Bell Orc (uncredited)
James Bennett Gondorian Soldier /Haradrim Warrior /Orc /Ranger (uncredited)
Jarl Benzon Coronation Elf (uncredited)
Jørn Benzon Rivendell Elf (uncredited)
Bob Blackwell Hobbit (uncredited)
Dorothy Anne Bonner Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Ben Britton Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Ian Brodie Gondorian Bread Seller (uncredited)
Luke Burnyeat Orc (uncredited)
Alix Bushnell Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Eddie Campbell Denethor's Courtier (uncredited)
Clint Carleton Orc /Ranger /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Carey Carter Elf /Orc (uncredited)
Robert Catto Gondorian /Rohan /Orc (uncredited)
Alessio Cavatore Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Richard Chapman Knight of Gondor (uncredited)
Elizabeth Crummett Pelennor Orc (uncredited)
Mana Hira Davis Gondorian Soldier /Haradrim Warrior /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Emma Deakin Diamond of Long Cleave (uncredited)
Peter Dillon Ranger (uncredited)
Meredith Dooley Rohan at Coronation (uncredited)
Aron Eastwood Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Greg Ellis Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Ranger /Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Michael Elsworth Cirdan the Shipwright (uncredited)
Clint Elvy Haradrim Warrior (uncredited)
Mark Ferguson Witch-King (uncredited)
Simon Ferry Rohan Guard (uncredited)
Siaosi Fonua Orc (uncredited)
Rowan Fordham Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Ranger /Rohan Soldier /Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Michael Fowler Gondorian Soldier /Orc (uncredited)
Ben Fransham Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Brian Gibb Orc (uncredited)
Andy Gunn Rivendell Elf (uncredited)
Craig Hall Gondorian Captain (uncredited)
Felicity Hamill Orc (uncredited)
Winham Hammond Gondorian Soldier /Orc (uncredited)
June Hancock Gondorian Courtier (uncredited)
Jonathan Harding Coronation Elf (uncredited)
Zo Hartley Orc Helper (uncredited)
Fraser Hesketh Gondorian Knight /Ranger Rider /Rider of Rohan (uncredited)
Anna Hewlett Gondorian Refugee (uncredited)
Jason Hood Denethor's Courtier (uncredited)
Brian Hotter Orc (uncredited)
Davey Hughes Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Peter Jackson Corsair Bosun (uncredited)
Dee Jamieson Elf (uncredited)
Ralph Johnson Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Tim Kano Orc (uncredited)
Sam Kelly Coronation Elf /Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Ron Kerkmeester Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Kevin Keys Orc (uncredited)
Liz Kirkman Gondorian Civilian (uncredited)
Sandro Kopp Coronation Elf (uncredited)
Andrew Lesnie Corsair of Umbar (uncredited)
Bernie Lord Hobbit (uncredited)
Isaac D Lucas Orc (uncredited)
Beth Malcolm Courtier (uncredited)
Jono Manks Ringwraith (archive footage) (uncredited)
Alan Marsh Gondor Soldier (uncredited)
Kirk Maxwell Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Steve McCleary Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Charlie McDermott Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Brent McIntyre Witch-King (archive footage) (uncredited)
Paul McLaughlin Captain of the Guard (uncredited)
Iain Middleton Gondorian (uncredited)
Joseph Mika-Hunt Orc (uncredited)
Des Morgan Osgiliath Orc (uncredited)
Henry Mortensen Pelennor Orc (uncredited)
Francis Mountjoy Gondorian Soldier /Orc (uncredited)
Craig Parker Gothmog /Orc Lieutenant 1 (voice) (uncredited)
Alan Perry Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Michael Perry Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Wayne Phillips Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Craig Poll Pelennor Orc (uncredited)
Rick Porras Corsair of Umbar /Beacon Guard (uncredited)
Daniel Rathbon Corsair of Umbar (uncredited)
Deborah Eve Rea Gondorian Woman (uncredited)
Christian Rivers Corsair of Umbar /Beacon Guard (uncredited)
Campbell Rousselle Harad Archer (uncredited)
Chris Ryan Corsair Helmsman (uncredited)
Michael Semanick Drinking Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Howard Shore Drinking Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Shaneel Sidal Orc (uncredited)
Dianne Smith Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Andrew Stehlin Osgiliath Orc (uncredited)
Ken Stratton Gondorian Soldier /Guard of the Citadel /Haradrim Warrior /Orc /Ranger /Rohan Soldier /Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Mikel Taylor Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Richard Taylor Corsair of Umbar (uncredited)
Melvin Te Wani Orc (uncredited)
Robbie Titchener Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Royd Tolkien Gondorian Ranger (uncredited)
Walter Walsh Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Irene Wood Sybll (uncredited)
Robert Young Orc (uncredited)
Noel Appleby Everard Proudfoot
Ali Astin Elanor Gamgee (as Alexandra Astin)
Sean Astin Sam
David Aston Gondorian Soldier 3
John Bach Madril
Sean Bean Boromir
Cate Blanchett Galadriel
Orlando Bloom Legolas
Billy Boyd Pippin
Sadwyn Brophy Eldarion
Alistair Browning Damrod
Marton Csokas Celeborn
Richard Edge Gondorian Soldier 1
Jason Fitch Uruk 2
Bernard Hill Theoden
Ian Holm Bilbo
Bruce Hopkins Gamling
Ian Hughes Irolas
Lawrence Makoare Witchking /Gothmog
Ian McKellen Gandalf
Bret McKenzie Elf Escort
Sarah McLeod Rosie Cotton
Maisy McLeod-Riera Baby Gamgee (as Maisie McLeod-Riera)
Dominic Monaghan Merry
Viggo Mortensen Aragorn
John Noble Denethor
Paul Norell King of the Dead
Miranda Otto Eowyn
Bruce Phillips Grimbold
Shane Rangi Harad Leader 2
John Rhys-Davies Gimli
Todd Rippon Harad Leader 1
Thomas Robins Deagol
Andy Serkis Gollum /Smeagol
Harry Sinclair Isildur
Peter Tait Shagrat
Joel Tobeck Orc Lieutenant 1 (as Joel Tolbeck)
Liv Tyler Arwen
Karl Urban Eomer
Stephen Ure Gorbag
Hugo Weaving Elrond
David Wenham Faramir
Elijah Wood Frodo
Alan Howard Voice of the Ring (voice)
Sala Baker Featured Orc
Robert Pollock Featured Orc
Ross Duncan Featured Orc
Pete Smith Featured Orc
Jed Brophy Featured Orc
Lee Hartley Featured Orc
Billy Jackson Featured Child
Katherine Jackson Featured Child (as Katie Jackson)
Brad Dourif Wormtongue (extended edition)
Phil Grieve Orc commander (Extended Edition) (as Phillip Grieve)
Michael Harrison Coronation Elf /Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Ranger /Rohan Soldier
Christopher Lee Saruman (extended edition)
Bruce Spence Black Lieutenant (extended edition)
Jane Abbott Coronation Elf (uncredited)
Gino Acevedo Corsair of Umbar (uncredited)
Narelle Ahrens Herbalist (uncredited)
Geoff Allen Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Frazer Anderson Orc (uncredited)
Daniel Andrews Gondorian Soldier /Orc (uncredited)
Maria Arnott Gondorian Civilian (uncredited)
Ben Barrington Ranger (uncredited)
Aidan Bell Orc (uncredited)
James Bennett Gondorian Soldier /Haradrim Warrior /Orc /Ranger (uncredited)
Jarl Benzon Coronation Elf (uncredited)
Jørn Benzon Rivendell Elf (uncredited)
Bob Blackwell Hobbit (uncredited)
Dorothy Anne Bonner Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Ben Britton Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Ian Brodie Gondorian Bread Seller (uncredited)
Luke Burnyeat Orc (uncredited)
Alix Bushnell Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Eddie Campbell Denethor's Courtier (uncredited)
Clint Carleton Orc /Ranger /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Carey Carter Elf /Orc (uncredited)
Robert Catto Gondorian /Rohan /Orc (uncredited)
Alessio Cavatore Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Richard Chapman Knight of Gondor (uncredited)
Elizabeth Crummett Pelennor Orc (uncredited)
Mana Hira Davis Gondorian Soldier /Haradrim Warrior /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Emma Deakin Diamond of Long Cleave (uncredited)
Peter Dillon Ranger (uncredited)
Meredith Dooley Rohan at Coronation (uncredited)
Aron Eastwood Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Greg Ellis Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Ranger /Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Michael Elsworth Cirdan the Shipwright (uncredited)
Clint Elvy Haradrim Warrior (uncredited)
Mark Ferguson Witch-King (uncredited)
Simon Ferry Rohan Guard (uncredited)
Siaosi Fonua Orc (uncredited)
Rowan Fordham Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Ranger /Rohan Soldier /Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Michael Fowler Gondorian Soldier /Orc (uncredited)
Ben Fransham Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Brian Gibb Orc (uncredited)
Andy Gunn Rivendell Elf (uncredited)
Craig Hall Gondorian Captain (uncredited)
Felicity Hamill Orc (uncredited)
Winham Hammond Gondorian Soldier /Orc (uncredited)
June Hancock Gondorian Courtier (uncredited)
Jonathan Harding Coronation Elf (uncredited)
Zo Hartley Orc Helper (uncredited)
Fraser Hesketh Gondorian Knight /Ranger Rider /Rider of Rohan (uncredited)
Anna Hewlett Gondorian Refugee (uncredited)
Jason Hood Denethor's Courtier (uncredited)
Brian Hotter Orc (uncredited)
Davey Hughes Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Peter Jackson Corsair Bosun (uncredited)
Dee Jamieson Elf (uncredited)
Ralph Johnson Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Tim Kano Orc (uncredited)
Sam Kelly Coronation Elf /Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Ron Kerkmeester Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Kevin Keys Orc (uncredited)
Liz Kirkman Gondorian Civilian (uncredited)
Sandro Kopp Coronation Elf (uncredited)
Andrew Lesnie Corsair of Umbar (uncredited)
Bernie Lord Hobbit (uncredited)
Isaac D Lucas Orc (uncredited)
Beth Malcolm Courtier (uncredited)
Jono Manks Ringwraith (archive footage) (uncredited)
Alan Marsh Gondor Soldier (uncredited)
Kirk Maxwell Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Steve McCleary Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Charlie McDermott Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Brent McIntyre Witch-King (archive footage) (uncredited)
Paul McLaughlin Captain of the Guard (uncredited)
Iain Middleton Gondorian (uncredited)
Joseph Mika-Hunt Orc (uncredited)
Des Morgan Osgiliath Orc (uncredited)
Henry Mortensen Pelennor Orc (uncredited)
Francis Mountjoy Gondorian Soldier /Orc (uncredited)
Craig Parker Gothmog /Orc Lieutenant 1 (voice) (uncredited)
Alan Perry Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Michael Perry Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Wayne Phillips Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Craig Poll Pelennor Orc (uncredited)
Rick Porras Corsair of Umbar /Beacon Guard (uncredited)
Daniel Rathbon Corsair of Umbar (uncredited)
Deborah Eve Rea Gondorian Woman (uncredited)
Christian Rivers Corsair of Umbar /Beacon Guard (uncredited)
Campbell Rousselle Harad Archer (uncredited)
Chris Ryan Corsair Helmsman (uncredited)
Michael Semanick Drinking Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Howard Shore Drinking Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Shaneel Sidal Orc (uncredited)
Dianne Smith Rohan Woman (uncredited)
Andrew Stehlin Osgiliath Orc (uncredited)
Ken Stratton Gondorian Soldier /Guard of the Citadel /Haradrim Warrior /Orc /Ranger /Rohan Soldier /Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Mikel Taylor Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Rohan Soldier (uncredited)
Richard Taylor Corsair of Umbar (uncredited)
Melvin Te Wani Orc (uncredited)
Robbie Titchener Gondorian Soldier /Orc /Soldier of the Dead (uncredited)
Royd Tolkien Gondorian Ranger (uncredited)
Walter Walsh Gondorian Soldier (uncredited)
Irene Wood Sybll (uncredited)
Robert Young Orc (uncredited)
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