12,000 years ago: the surviving members of a decimated aboriginal tribe perform a sacred ritual to bind an ancient evil that has infiltrated their tribal land. As the carnage ensues, an artist paints the story of their demise on a nearby rock face, warning of the dangers interred within...
The Present: Anja, a young university student, and four friends accompany Dace, an anthropology major, on a journey in search of the now legendary rock painting. The only evidence of its existence is the diary of a pioneer who saw the painting over one hundred years ago, before going mad and murdering his family.
Their excitement on finding the painting is soon undercut by disquiet as one of them, Mel, becomes delirious after skinny-dipping in the nearby billabong. Her condition rapidly worsens, and she regresses to a predatory, primal state and viciously attacks her friends.
The group is strained to breaking point as their trip fast becomes a desperate fight for survival. When Anja discovers that a nearby tunnel may harbour their only hope for escape she inadvertently draws closer to a final confrontation with the evil deep within the mountain.
The Present: Anja, a young university student, and four friends accompany Dace, an anthropology major, on a journey in search of the now legendary rock painting. The only evidence of its existence is the diary of a pioneer who saw the painting over one hundred years ago, before going mad and murdering his family.
Their excitement on finding the painting is soon undercut by disquiet as one of them, Mel, becomes delirious after skinny-dipping in the nearby billabong. Her condition rapidly worsens, and she regresses to a predatory, primal state and viciously attacks her friends.
The group is strained to breaking point as their trip fast becomes a desperate fight for survival. When Anja discovers that a nearby tunnel may harbour their only hope for escape she inadvertently draws closer to a final confrontation with the evil deep within the mountain.
Original Title : THE LOST TRIBE
Director(s) : Roel Reiné
Writer(s) : Mark E Davidson (screenplay)
Genre(s) : Adventure,Horror,Thriller
Length : 1 h 40 minYear : 2010Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Lost Tribe
Australia - Primal(DVD Title)
Brazil - A Tribo II(DVD Title)
Brazil - A Tribo II
Canada - The Lost Tribe
Canada - Primal
France - Primal
Germany - Lost Island - Von der Evolution vergessen
Hungary - Mutánsok szigete
Japan - The Lost Tribe
Poland - Pierwotny instynkt
Russia - Первобытные
South Africa - The Lost Tribe
Turkey - ilkel Korkular
United Kingdom - Primevil
United Kingdom - Primevil
United States - Primal
United States - The Lost Tribe
(original title) - The Lost Tribe
Australia - Primal(DVD Title)
Brazil - A Tribo II(DVD Title)
Brazil - A Tribo II
Canada - The Lost Tribe
Canada - Primal
France - Primal
Germany - Lost Island - Von der Evolution vergessen
Hungary - Mutánsok szigete
Japan - The Lost Tribe
Poland - Pierwotny instynkt
Russia - Первобытные
South Africa - The Lost Tribe
Turkey - ilkel Korkular
United Kingdom - Primevil
United Kingdom - Primevil
United States - Primal
United States - The Lost Tribe
Actors :
Emily Baldoni Anna (as Emily Foxler)
Nick Mennell Tom
Marc Bacher Joe
Brianna Brown Alexis
Hadley Fraser Chris
Maxine Bahns Maya
Ryan Alosio Marcus
Lance Henriksen Gallo
Terry Notary Alpha Male
Peter David Parasiliti Alpha Male (voice)
Mohit Ramchandani Man in Church
Joseph Anderson Soldier
Shane Brewer Soldier
Hugh Daly Soldier
Wil Daniels Creature
Jody Hart Soldier
Adam John Kalma Creature (as Adam Kalma)
Justin Mortelliti Creature
Emno Rodriguez Soldier
M Ryan Vazquez Soldier (as Mark Vazquez)
Jason Whisman Creature
Caleb Campbell Drowning Man (uncredited)
Daniel Case Creature (uncredited)
Shane Denil Creature (uncredited)
Michael A Mendez Freddy (uncredited)
Emily Baldoni Anna (as Emily Foxler)
Nick Mennell Tom
Marc Bacher Joe
Brianna Brown Alexis
Hadley Fraser Chris
Maxine Bahns Maya
Ryan Alosio Marcus
Lance Henriksen Gallo
Terry Notary Alpha Male
Peter David Parasiliti Alpha Male (voice)
Mohit Ramchandani Man in Church
Joseph Anderson Soldier
Shane Brewer Soldier
Hugh Daly Soldier
Wil Daniels Creature
Jody Hart Soldier
Adam John Kalma Creature (as Adam Kalma)
Justin Mortelliti Creature
Emno Rodriguez Soldier
M Ryan Vazquez Soldier (as Mark Vazquez)
Jason Whisman Creature
Caleb Campbell Drowning Man (uncredited)
Daniel Case Creature (uncredited)
Shane Denil Creature (uncredited)
Michael A Mendez Freddy (uncredited)
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