Le professeur Challenger a un objectif : retrouver la trace d'un monde rempli d'étranges créatures décrit par l'explorateur Maples White. Pour cela, il met en chantier une expédition formée de sa fille Paula, du professeur Summerlee, du journaliste Edward Malone et de Sir John Roxton. Dix jours après leur départ, les aventuriers parviennet en pleine jungle amazonienne et découvrent un spectacle saisissant : devant eux se dresse un paysage entièrement peuplé de dinosaures et autres espèces de l'ère quaternaire. Ils décident alors de capturer l'une de ces extraordinaires créatures et de la ramener à Londres...
Original Title : THE LOST WORLD
Director(s) : Harry O Hoyt (dramatic direction)
Writer(s) : Arthur Conan Doyle (based upon the 1912 novel by), , Marion Fairfax (scenario)
Genre(s) : Adventure,Fantasy,Horror
Length : 1 h 50 minYear : 1925Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishRatio : 1.33 : 1French Release : 2018-06-05US Release : 2017-06-04Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Lost World
Australia - The Lost World
Austria - Die verlorene Welt
Brazil - O Mundo Perdido
Canada - The Lost World
Canada - The Lost World
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the Japanese language plot outline for Le Monde perdu (1925)?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Czech Republic - Ztracený svět
Czechoslovakia - Ztracený svět
Czechoslovakia - Ztracený svět
Czechoslovakia - Stratený svet
Denmark - Den forsvundne Verden
Ecuador - The Lost World
Egypt - The Lost World
Finland - Kadonnut maailma
France - Le Monde perdu
Germany - Die verlorene Welt
Germany - Vergessene Welten
Hungary - Az elveszett világ
India - The Lost World
Ireland - The Lost World
Italy - Un mondo perduto
Japan - Rosuto Wârudo
Japan - Ushinawareta Sekai
Japan - ロスト・ワールド
New Zealand - The Lost World
Poland - Zaginiony świat
Portugal - O Mundo Perdido
Serbia - Изгубљени свет
Slovakia - Stratený svet
South Africa - The Lost World
Soviet Union - Затерянный мир
Spain - El mundo perdido
Spain - El món perdut
Sweden - En försvunnen värld
United Kingdom - The Lost World
United States - The Lost World
Yugoslavia - Propali svet
(original title) - The Lost World
Australia - The Lost World
Austria - Die verlorene Welt
Brazil - O Mundo Perdido
Canada - The Lost World
Canada - The Lost World
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the Japanese language plot outline for Le Monde perdu (1925)?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Czech Republic - Ztracený svět
Czechoslovakia - Ztracený svět
Czechoslovakia - Ztracený svět
Czechoslovakia - Stratený svet
Denmark - Den forsvundne Verden
Ecuador - The Lost World
Egypt - The Lost World
Finland - Kadonnut maailma
France - Le Monde perdu
Germany - Die verlorene Welt
Germany - Vergessene Welten
Hungary - Az elveszett világ
India - The Lost World
Ireland - The Lost World
Italy - Un mondo perduto
Japan - Rosuto Wârudo
Japan - Ushinawareta Sekai
Japan - ロスト・ワールド
New Zealand - The Lost World
Poland - Zaginiony świat
Portugal - O Mundo Perdido
Serbia - Изгубљени свет
Slovakia - Stratený svet
South Africa - The Lost World
Soviet Union - Затерянный мир
Spain - El mundo perdido
Spain - El món perdut
Sweden - En försvunnen värld
United Kingdom - The Lost World
United States - The Lost World
Yugoslavia - Propali svet
Actors :
Bessie Love Paula White (as Miss Bessie Love)
Lewis Stone Sir John Roxton (as Mr Lewis S Stone)
Wallace Beery Prof Challenger (as Mr Wallace Beery)
Lloyd Hughes Ed Malone (as Mr Lloyd Hughes)
Alma Bennett Gladys Hungerford (as Miss Alma Bennett)
Arthur Hoyt Prof Summerlee (as Mr Arthur Hoyt)
Margaret McWade Mrs Challenger (as Miss Margaret McWade)
Bull Montana Ape-man (as Mr Bull Montana)
Frank Finch Smiles Austin (as Mr Finch Smiles)
Jules Cowles Zambo (as Mr Jules Cowles)
George Bunny Colin McArdle (as Mr George Bunny)
Charles Wellesley Maj Hibbard (as Mr Charles Wellsley)
Jocko the Monkey Jocko - the Monkey (as Jocko)
Arthur Conan Doyle Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Mary the Chimpanzee Mary - the Chimpanzee (uncredited)
Malcolm Denny Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Virginia Brown Faire Marquette - Half-Caste Girl (uncredited)
Holmes Herbert Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
George Marion Old Professor (uncredited)
Nelson McDowell Lawyer Advising the Editor (uncredited)
Jack Murphy Office Boy (uncredited)
Robert Page Policeman (uncredited)
Gilbert Roland Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Leo White Percy Potts (uncredited)
Bessie Love Paula White (as Miss Bessie Love)
Lewis Stone Sir John Roxton (as Mr Lewis S Stone)
Wallace Beery Prof Challenger (as Mr Wallace Beery)
Lloyd Hughes Ed Malone (as Mr Lloyd Hughes)
Alma Bennett Gladys Hungerford (as Miss Alma Bennett)
Arthur Hoyt Prof Summerlee (as Mr Arthur Hoyt)
Margaret McWade Mrs Challenger (as Miss Margaret McWade)
Bull Montana Ape-man (as Mr Bull Montana)
Frank Finch Smiles Austin (as Mr Finch Smiles)
Jules Cowles Zambo (as Mr Jules Cowles)
George Bunny Colin McArdle (as Mr George Bunny)
Charles Wellesley Maj Hibbard (as Mr Charles Wellsley)
Jocko the Monkey Jocko - the Monkey (as Jocko)
Arthur Conan Doyle Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Mary the Chimpanzee Mary - the Chimpanzee (uncredited)
Malcolm Denny Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Virginia Brown Faire Marquette - Half-Caste Girl (uncredited)
Holmes Herbert Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
George Marion Old Professor (uncredited)
Nelson McDowell Lawyer Advising the Editor (uncredited)
Jack Murphy Office Boy (uncredited)
Robert Page Policeman (uncredited)
Gilbert Roland Undetermined Secondary Role (uncredited)
Leo White Percy Potts (uncredited)

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