Five-year-old Janie Bennett happily lives with her foster parents Miles and Sheri Bennett, oblivious to the fact that her insane birth mother is attempting to kidnap her. When the birth mother, Andrea Fletcher, and her boyfriend Jude, a carny, do attempt to kidnap the girl, Andrea can't go through with it. The girl later wanders away after she and Sheri are in a car accident and she winds up being found at the carnival by Jude. Her worried foster parents then enlist the assistance of a parapsychologist to help them interpret the foster mother's terrifying dreams and psychic connection to the girl and find her before it is too late.
Original Title : THE PREMONITION
Director(s) : Robert Allen Schnitzer
Writer(s) : Anthony Mahon, Louis Pastore (additional dialogue), Robert Allen Schnitzer
Genre(s) : Horror,Thriller
Length : 1 h 34 minYear : 1975Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1US Release : 1976-05-19Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Premonition
Australia - The Premonition
Brazil - Almas Malditas
Canada - The Premonition
Canada - La prémonition
Finland - Naisen painajainen
Greece - Ατέλειωτος εφιάλτης
Greece - Η προειδοποίηση
Italy - Mysteria
Italy - Mysteria - Al di là del potere di un esorcista
Mexico - La premonición
Soviet Union - Предчувствие
Spain - Pesadilla en Dover
Sweden - Evil power
United Kingdom - The Premonition
United States - The Premonition
United States - Turtle Heaven
West Germany - Das Trauma
World-wide - The Premonition
(original title) - The Premonition
Australia - The Premonition
Brazil - Almas Malditas
Canada - The Premonition
Canada - La prémonition
Finland - Naisen painajainen
Greece - Ατέλειωτος εφιάλτης
Greece - Η προειδοποίηση
Italy - Mysteria
Italy - Mysteria - Al di là del potere di un esorcista
Mexico - La premonición
Soviet Union - Предчувствие
Spain - Pesadilla en Dover
Sweden - Evil power
United Kingdom - The Premonition
United States - The Premonition
United States - Turtle Heaven
West Germany - Das Trauma
World-wide - The Premonition
Actors :
Sharon Farrell Sheri Bennett
Edward Michael Bell Miles Bennett (as Edward Bell)
Jeff Corey Lt Mark Denver
Chitra Neogy Dr Jeena Kingsly
Richard Lynch Jude
Ellen Barber Andrea
Danielle Brisebois Janie Bennett
Rosemary McNamara Lenore
Roy White Dr Larabee
Margaret Graham Landlady
Thomas Williams Todd Fletcher
Wilmuth Cooper Gypsy Lady
Mark Schneider Patrolman
Robert Harper Night Watchman
Stanley W William Dean Fuller
Tamara Bergdall Nurse
Bonita Chambers Receptionist
Ward Emling Student (as Edward L Emling Jr)
Sharon Farrell Sheri Bennett
Edward Michael Bell Miles Bennett (as Edward Bell)
Jeff Corey Lt Mark Denver
Chitra Neogy Dr Jeena Kingsly
Richard Lynch Jude
Ellen Barber Andrea
Danielle Brisebois Janie Bennett
Rosemary McNamara Lenore
Roy White Dr Larabee
Margaret Graham Landlady
Thomas Williams Todd Fletcher
Wilmuth Cooper Gypsy Lady
Mark Schneider Patrolman
Robert Harper Night Watchman
Stanley W William Dean Fuller
Tamara Bergdall Nurse
Bonita Chambers Receptionist
Ward Emling Student (as Edward L Emling Jr)
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