Adam West stars in The Specialist as Jerry Bounds, an upright crusader standing up against the water company's efforts to exploit a local lake. John Anderson plays his opponent, Pike Smith, who at the start of the film smashes the glass out of a door at Bounds' law firm, to prove that "Nobody crosses Pike Smith and profits by it!"
Original Title : THE SPECIALIST
Director(s) : Howard Avedis (as Hikmet Avedis)
Writer(s) : Ralph B Potts (screenplay) &, Howard Avedis (screenplay) (as Hikmet Avedis) &, Marlene Schmidt (screenplay), , Ralph B Potts (novel)
Genre(s) : Thriller
Length : 1 h 33 minYear : 1975Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1US Release : 1975-05-01Aka(s) :
(original title) - The Specialist
Greece - Ο διάβολος είναι γυναίκα
Greece - Ο σπεσιαλίστας
Mexico - La especialista
Portugal - A Especialista
United Kingdom - The Specialist
United States - The Specialist
West Germany - Die Spezialisten Gang
(original title) - The Specialist
Greece - Ο διάβολος είναι γυναίκα
Greece - Ο σπεσιαλίστας
Mexico - La especialista
Portugal - A Especialista
United Kingdom - The Specialist
United States - The Specialist
West Germany - Die Spezialisten Gang
Actors :
Adam West Jerry Bounds
John Anderson Pike Smith
Ahna Capri Londa Wyeth
Harvey Jason Hardin Smith
Alvy Moore Bailiff Humbolt
Marlene Schmidt Elizabeth Bounds
Howard Avedis Alec Sharkey (as Russell Schmidt)
Charles Knapp Judge Davis
Chuck Boyd Arthur Farley
Robert Shayne Chairman Hopkins
Christiane Schmidtmer Nude Model
Jacqueline Jacobs Bar Hearing Reporter
Alec Jason Witness
Adam West Jerry Bounds
John Anderson Pike Smith
Ahna Capri Londa Wyeth
Harvey Jason Hardin Smith
Alvy Moore Bailiff Humbolt
Marlene Schmidt Elizabeth Bounds
Howard Avedis Alec Sharkey (as Russell Schmidt)
Charles Knapp Judge Davis
Chuck Boyd Arthur Farley
Robert Shayne Chairman Hopkins
Christiane Schmidtmer Nude Model
Jacqueline Jacobs Bar Hearing Reporter
Alec Jason Witness
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