test The X Filesa The X Files (1998) - Rob Bowman

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The X Files

THE X FILES (1998)

Mulder and Scully must fight the government in a conspiracy and find the truth about an alien colonization of Earth.

Original Title : THE X FILES
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Drama,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Length : 2 hs 1 minuteYear : 1998Country : United StatesCoulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 1998-10-21US Release : 1998-06-19
Aka(s) :
(original title) - The X Files
Argentina - Los expedientes secretos X: Combate al futuro
Australia - The X Files
Brazil - Arquivo X: O Filme
Bulgaria - Досиетата Х(Bulgarian)
Canada - The X Files
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Canada - Aux frontières du réel
China - X档案:征服未来
Croatia - Dosjei X
Czech Republic - Akta X - Film
Denmark - Strengt Fortroligt: Bekæmp Fremtiden
Denmark - The X-Files - Strengt fortroligt
Ecuador - Los expedientes secretos X: Combate al futuro
Estonia - Salatoimikud
Finland - The X Files - taistelu tulevaisuudesta
Finland - The X-Files - taistelu tulevaisuudesta
Finland - X Files - Taistelu tulevaisuudesta
Finland - X Files - Taistelu tulevaisuudesta - Special Edition
Finland - X-Files - Taistelu tulevaisuudesta
France - The X-Files, le film
France - The X-Files, le film : Combattre le futur
Germany - Akte X: Der Film
Greece - The X-Files - Η ταινία: Πολεμώντας το αύριο
Hungary - X-akták - Szállj harcba a jövő ellen
India - The X Files
Israel - The X Files
Italy - X-Files - Il film
Japan - X-Files: The Movie
Japan - X-ファイル ザ・ムービー
Latvia - X-faili: Cīņa par nākotni
Lithuania - X failai
Lithuania - X failai: kova dėl ateities
Mexico - Los expedientes secretos X: Combate al futuro
Netherlands - The X Files Movie
Poland - Z archiwum X: Pokonać przyszłość
Portugal - Ficheiros Secretos
Romania - Dosarele X - Înfrunta viitorul
Russia - Секретные материалы: Борьба за будущее
Serbia - Досије икс
Slovakia - Akty X - Film
Slovenia - Dosjeji X
South Africa - The X Files: Fight the Future
Spain - Expediente X: Enfréntate al futuro
Spain - Expediente X: La película
Sweden - Arkiv X - Fight the Future
Sweden - Arkiv X: Fight the Future
Taiwan - X檔案:征服未來
Thailand - The X Files
Turkey - Gizli Dosya Geleceğin Savaşı
Turkey - Gizli Dosyalar: Gelecekle Savaş
Ukraine - Секретні матеріали: Боротьба за майбутнє
United Kingdom - The X Files
United States - The X Files
United States - X-Files: The Movie
United States - Blackwood
United States - Fight the Future
Actors :
Agent Fox Mulder
Agent Dana Scully
The Well-Manicured Man
The Cigarette-Smoking Man
Assistant Director Walter Skinner
Bronschweig (as Jeffrey De Munn)
2nd Boy (as Chris Fennell)
3rd Boy
4th Boy
Group Elder
2nd Elder
Black-Haired Man
Primitive #1 (as Craig Davis)
Primitive #2
Creature #1
Creature #2 (as Gregory B Ballora)
FBI Agent on Roof (as TW King)
FBI Agent
Field Agent
Fire Captain Cooles
Last Agent Out
DC Cop (as Lawrence Joshua)
DC Cop #2
Security Guard (as Gunther Jensen)
Technician (as Scott Smith)
Well-Manicured Man's Valet
Control Room Operator
Young Naval Guard
British Valet
1st Paramedic (as Paul Tuerpé)
2nd Paramedic (as Michael A Krawic)
Towncar Driver
Buzz Mihoe
Windbreakered Agent
Pilot (as David W Paris)
Young Samantha Mulder (archive footage)
FBI Man at Bomb Site (uncredited)
Texas Businessman (uncredited)
FBI Agent (uncredited)
Dead Wife in Trunk (uncredited)
FBI Student (uncredited)
Firefighter #2 (uncredited)
Barmaid (uncredited)
FBI Detective (uncredited)
Man at the Bar (uncredited)
Special skills extra (uncredited)
Self (uncredited)
Security Guard #2 (uncredited)
Young Fox Mulder (uncredited)
The X Files

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