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Filmography from Tony Fields

Filmography from : Tony Fields

Actor :

Trick or Treat, Charles Martin Smith, 1986
Sammi Curr was a famous, devil-worshiping rock star who died under mysterious circumstances. Now he wants to come back to life. Doing so requires possessing radio wave & automobiles and making a few human sacrifices....

Werewolf, David Hemmings (8 episodes, 1987-1988), James Darren (7 episodes, 1987-1988), Larry Shaw (3 episodes, 1987), Richard A Colla (3 episodes, 1988), Rob Bowman (2 episodes, 1987-1988), Lyndon Chubbuck (2 episodes, 1987), Bob Bralver (1 episode, 1987), Sidney Hayers (1 episode, 1987), Guy Magar (1 episode, 1987), Jon Paré (1 episode, 1988), 0
Young Eric has been bitten by a werewolf. However, he's not particularly thrilled by this turn of affairs and wishes to escape his curse. To do so, he must find and kill the founder of his particular werewolf clan. The series traces his efforts to (A) track down the founder; (B) keep from hurting innocent lives due to his lycanthropy; and (C) stay one step ahead of folks who wish to kill him due to his werewolf nature. ...