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TRIANGLE, a unique concept psycholigical-thriller that turns the genre on its head. When Jess hits a seagull on a drive to the local harbour, little does she know that it is a harrowing omen of things to come. She sets sail on a yacht with a group of friends and already things are not as they seem " she just cant put her finger on why. Her suspicions are heightened when the yacht hits a storm and the group is forced to board a passing ocean liner to get to safety " a ship Jess is convinced shes been on before. The ship appears deserted, the clock on board has stopped, but they are not alone Someone is intent on hunting them down, one by one. And Jess unknowingly holds the key to end the terror.

Original Title : TRIANGLE
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Fantasy,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 39 minYear : 2009Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1French Release : 2021-09-02US Release : 2010-02-02
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Triangle
Argentina - El triángulo
Australia - Triangle
Brazil - Triângulo do Medo
Bulgaria - Триъгълник(Bulgarian)
Canada - Triangle
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Canada - Triangle
China - 恐怖游轮
Croatia - Trokut
Ecuador - Triangle
Egypt - Triangle
Finland - Aavelaiva Triangle
France - Triangle
Germany - Triangle - Die Angst kommt in Wellen
Greece - Navagio stin paranoia (Shipwreck in paranoia)
Greece - Ναυάγιο στην παράνοια
Hong Kong - Triangle
Hungary - Háromszög
India - Triangle
India - Triangle
Indonesia - Triangle
Israel - Triangle
Italy - Triangle
Japan - トライアングル
Lithuania - Trikampis
Mexico - Triangle
Netherlands - Triangle
Philippines - Ghost Ship
Poland - Piąty wymiar
Portugal - Triângulo
Romania - Triunghiul
Russia - Треугольник
Serbia - Троугао
Singapore - Triangle
South Africa - Triangle
South Korea - Triangle
Spain - Triangle
Sweden - Triangle
Taiwan - 汪洋血迷宮
Thailand - Triangle
Turkey - Şeytan Üçgeni
Ukraine - Трикутник
United Kingdom - Triangle
United States - Triangle
United States - Triangle
Vietnam - Tam Giác Quỷ

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