TROY (2004)
Original Title : TROY
Director(s) : Wolfgang Petersen
Writer(s) : Homer (poem), , David Benioff (screenplay)
Genre(s) : Adventure,Drama
Length : 2 hs 43 minYear : 2004Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 2004-05-13US Release : 2004-05-14Aka(s) :
(original title) - Troy
Albania - Troja
Argentina - Troya
Australia - Troy
Austria - Troja
Azerbaijan - Troya
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Brazil - Tróia
Bulgaria - Троя
Canada - Troy
Canada - Troie
China - 特洛伊
China - 特洛伊:木马屠城
Croatia - Troja
Czech Republic - Trója
Denmark - Troja
Ecuador - Troya
Egypt - Troy
Estonia - Trooja
Finland - Troija
Finland - Troja
France - Troie
Germany - Troja
Greece - Troia
Greece - Τροία
Hong Kong - Troy
Hungary - Trója
India - Troy
India - Troy
Indonesia - Troy
Israel - Troy
Italy - Troy
Italy - La guerra di Troia
Japan - トロイ
Kazakhstan - Троя
Latvia - Troja
Lithuania - Troja
Mexico - Troya
Netherlands - Troy
Norway - Troja
Panama - Troya
Peru - Troya
Philippines - Troy
Poland - Troja
Portugal - Tróia
Romania - Troia
Russia - Троя
Serbia - Троја
Singapore - Troy
Slovakia - Trója
Slovenia - Troja
South Africa - Troy
South Korea - 트로이
Spain - Troya
Spain - Troia
Sweden - Troja
Taiwan - 特洛伊:木馬屠城
(original title) - Troy
Albania - Troja
Argentina - Troya
Australia - Troy
Austria - Troja
Azerbaijan - Troya
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Brazil - Tróia
Bulgaria - Троя
Canada - Troy
Canada - Troie
China - 特洛伊
China - 特洛伊:木马屠城
Croatia - Troja
Czech Republic - Trója
Denmark - Troja
Ecuador - Troya
Egypt - Troy
Estonia - Trooja
Finland - Troija
Finland - Troja
France - Troie
Germany - Troja
Greece - Troia
Greece - Τροία
Hong Kong - Troy
Hungary - Trója
India - Troy
India - Troy
Indonesia - Troy
Israel - Troy
Italy - Troy
Italy - La guerra di Troia
Japan - トロイ
Kazakhstan - Троя
Latvia - Troja
Lithuania - Troja
Mexico - Troya
Netherlands - Troy
Norway - Troja
Panama - Troya
Peru - Troya
Philippines - Troy
Poland - Troja
Portugal - Tróia
Romania - Troia
Russia - Троя
Serbia - Троја
Singapore - Troy
Slovakia - Trója
Slovenia - Troja
South Africa - Troy
South Korea - 트로이
Spain - Troya
Spain - Troia
Sweden - Troja
Taiwan - 特洛伊:木馬屠城
Actors :
Julian Glover Triopas
Brian Cox Agamemnon
Nathan Jones Boagrius
Adoni Maropis Agamemnon's Officer
Jacob Smith Messenger Boy
Brad Pitt Achilles
John Shrapnel Nestor
Brendan Gleeson Menelaus
Diane Kruger Helen
Eric Bana Hector
Orlando Bloom Paris
Siri Svegler Polydora
Lucie Barat Helen's Handmaiden
Ken Bones Hippasus
Manuel Cauchi Old Spartan Fisherman
Mark Lewis Jones Tecton
Garrett Hedlund Patroclus
Sean Bean Odysseus
Julie Christie Thetis
Peter O'Toole Priam
James Cosmo Glaucus
Nigel Terry Archeptolemus
Trevor Eve Velior
Owain Yeoman Lysander
Saffron Burrows Andromache
Luke Tal Scamandrius
Matthew Tal Scamandrius
Rose Byrne Briseis
Vincent Regan Eudorus
Tyler Mane Ajax
Louis Dempsey Aphareus
Joshua Richards Haemon
Tim Chipping Echepolus
Desislava Stefanova Singing Woman
Tanja Tzarovska Singing Woman
Alex King Apollonian Guard
Frankie Fitzgerald Aeneas
Shero Rauf Trojan Archer (uncredited)
Julian Glover Triopas
Brian Cox Agamemnon
Nathan Jones Boagrius
Adoni Maropis Agamemnon's Officer
Jacob Smith Messenger Boy
Brad Pitt Achilles
John Shrapnel Nestor
Brendan Gleeson Menelaus
Diane Kruger Helen
Eric Bana Hector
Orlando Bloom Paris
Siri Svegler Polydora
Lucie Barat Helen's Handmaiden
Ken Bones Hippasus
Manuel Cauchi Old Spartan Fisherman
Mark Lewis Jones Tecton
Garrett Hedlund Patroclus
Sean Bean Odysseus
Julie Christie Thetis
Peter O'Toole Priam
James Cosmo Glaucus
Nigel Terry Archeptolemus
Trevor Eve Velior
Owain Yeoman Lysander
Saffron Burrows Andromache
Luke Tal Scamandrius
Matthew Tal Scamandrius
Rose Byrne Briseis
Vincent Regan Eudorus
Tyler Mane Ajax
Louis Dempsey Aphareus
Joshua Richards Haemon
Tim Chipping Echepolus
Desislava Stefanova Singing Woman
Tanja Tzarovska Singing Woman
Alex King Apollonian Guard
Frankie Fitzgerald Aeneas
Shero Rauf Trojan Archer (uncredited)

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