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"TWILIGHT" "TWILIGHT" Character Posters


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By Oh My Gore ! on September 23, 2008

"TWILIGHT" Character Posters

TWILIGHT TWILIGHT Character Posters Are you sick of hearing about "TWILIGHT" yet? Hopefully you're a fan because the hype is just starting.
The adaptation of the popular teen-vampire novel is slated to hit theaters November 21st and new materials seem to be coming out not only domestically, but internationally as well. Here's more international one sheets were found online, which can be viewed inside.

Synopsis : A high school girl named Bella falls in love with a vampire. The new couple leads a rival vampire clan to pursue them and attempt to force her to decide if she, too, wishes to become one of the undead.

French Release : 2009-01-07 | US Release : 2008-11-21

Source : Bloody-Disgusting.com

Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
Alley - /11/09 at 14:38
# 5

OMG i freaking love twilight it took me 2 weeks to read the first one and 5 days to read the second one and I'm reading Eclipse right now i am so reading them all again i love EDWARD CULLEN
i don't really like Bella i don't know why she talks to much

yAmS - /09/25 at 17:54
# 4


All the actors picked for the movie are hot too! The movie's sucha long time away though, i dont like i can wait that long...



brittney - /09/24 at 21:04
# 3

I love this book it is awsome, And i can't wait for the movie

sara - /09/24 at 05:21
# 2

but i cant understand the language under this poster at all

Lotfina - /09/24 at 01:15
# 1

I love that book so bad i read twilight 6 time and i loved.

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