Twilightnewspr on October 10, 2009
Twilight's Dakota Fanning hits the indie scene

Dakota Fanning, star of The Twilight Saga: New Moon and Eclipse, is all over the mainstream world again (not like she ever left) appearing in 3 films with Kristen Stewart, including The Runaways, and also hit the scene this year with Push and Coraline. But now she's hitting the independent and/or underground scene. And she probably doesn't even know it.
A film she starred in back in 2001, a short, called Father Xmas, is getting a theatrical release next week, with the very controversial sounding Warning!!! Pedophile Released. Dakota's film is preceding the Shane Ryan film, an underground filmmaker who has made four films called Amateur Porn Star Killer.
Dakota Fanning's IMDB message boards saw a few mentions of this, though the film hadn't been named, and the posts kept disappearing. But now the Alter Ego Cinema web site (the company behind the Pedophile film) has all of the news up. Earlier a bunch of stories popped up claiming the film to be Hounddog, but it is clearly her very first film (according to IMDB it lists this as her first), Father Xmas.
Showing at the Laemmle theatres, it lists cast and crew in appearance (though yet to list Dakota's film). No word on if she'll be there.
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