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Vampire Abraham Lincoln terrorizes President's Day

By Oh My Gore ! on February 25, 2009

Vampire Abraham Lincoln terrorizes President's Day

In the spirit of Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday, director Chris Lukeman is proud to announce the internet premiere of "THE TRANSIENT", a 25-minute action-horror-comedy film about a homeless vigilante trying to stop Vampire Abraham Lincoln and his gang of stereotypical 1980's punks from sucking the blood of four score and seven virgins.

Filmed in Champaign-Urbana Illinois, "THE TRANSIENT" was released for free in high quality starting February 12th through the film's website, www.killvampirelincoln.com. Horror and history fans alike can enjoy this fun 80's-styled action movie over the upcoming President's Day weekend. In fact, history buffs will recognize that most of Vampire Lincoln's lines in the movie are actually re-appropriated quotes from Abraham Lincoln himself.

The film's director, Chris Lukeman, has continually assured the public that they mean no disrespect to Honest Abe. "Seriously, he's really the most dignified and noble character in the entire film," says Lukeman. "It just so happens he's also a bloodsucking fiend hell-bent on terrorizing the community."²

The movie is also available directly on youtube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcmEsZIh_LQ

Source : Oh My Gore !

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