In a post-apocalyptic world, a young woman who believes she is the last human on Earth meets a dying scientist searching for survivors. Their relationship becomes tenuous when another survivor appears. As the two men compete for the woman’s affection, their primal urges begin to reveal their true nature.
Original Title : Z FOR ZACHARIAH
Director(s) : Craig Zobel
Writer(s) : Nissar Modi (screenplay), Robert C O'Brien (based on the book by)
Genre(s) : Drama,Romance,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 38 minYear : 2015Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1French Release : 2015-11-26US Release : 2015-08-28Aka(s) :
(original title) - Z for Zachariah
Australia - Z for Zachariah
Brazil - Os Últimos na Terra
Canada - Z for Zachariah
Canada - Après la fin
China - 末日寂境(Mandarin, Alternative Title)
China - 撒迦利亚
France - Les Survivants
Germany - Z for Zachariah - Das letzte Kapitel der Menschheit
Greece - Δίοδος σωτηρίας
Hong Kong - Z for Zachariah
Hungary - Z, mint Zakariás
Iceland - Z for Zachariah
India - Z for Zachariah
India - Z for Zachariah
Italy - Sopravvissuti
Japan - Shi no tanima
Japan - 死の谷間
Mexico - Z de Zacarías
Poland - Z jak Zachariasz
Portugal - Os Últimos na Terra
Russia - Z - значит Захария
Slovenia - Z kot Zachariah
Spain - Z for Zachariah
Taiwan - 末日寂境
Turkey - Zachariah İçin Z
Ukraine - Z означає Захарія
United Arab Emirates - Z for Zachariah
United Kingdom - Z for Zachariah
United States - Z for Zachariah
United States - Z de Zacarías
(original title) - Z for Zachariah
Australia - Z for Zachariah
Brazil - Os Últimos na Terra
Canada - Z for Zachariah
Canada - Après la fin
China - 末日寂境(Mandarin, Alternative Title)
China - 撒迦利亚
France - Les Survivants
Germany - Z for Zachariah - Das letzte Kapitel der Menschheit
Greece - Δίοδος σωτηρίας
Hong Kong - Z for Zachariah
Hungary - Z, mint Zakariás
Iceland - Z for Zachariah
India - Z for Zachariah
India - Z for Zachariah
Italy - Sopravvissuti
Japan - Shi no tanima
Japan - 死の谷間
Mexico - Z de Zacarías
Poland - Z jak Zachariasz
Portugal - Os Últimos na Terra
Russia - Z - значит Захария
Slovenia - Z kot Zachariah
Spain - Z for Zachariah
Taiwan - 末日寂境
Turkey - Zachariah İçin Z
Ukraine - Z означає Захарія
United Arab Emirates - Z for Zachariah
United Kingdom - Z for Zachariah
United States - Z for Zachariah
United States - Z de Zacarías
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