Filmography from : Bill Coontz
Actor :

Investigating the mysterious deaths of a number of farm animals, vet Rack Hansen discovers that his town lies in the path of hoards of migrating tarantulas. Before he can take action, the streets are overrun by killer spiders, trapping a small group of towns folk in a remote hotel....


A crazed hunter kidnaps people and turns them loose on his private estate, where he hunts them for sport....

c, but dull, Fred Maklin and beautiful, but spoiled, Jerrie Turner wash up on an uncharted tropical island. They are soon captured by ex-Nazi Colonel Osler, who also has imprisoned a bevy of beauty contest winners whom he allows to be whipped by his slavering Nazi storm troopers. He has, you see, been extracting some glandular substance from the girls to inject into his wife Mona, who suffered terrible facial disfigurement, in efforts to restore...

Dr. Frankenstein's insane grandson attempts to create horrible monsters in modern day L.A....

Cattle ranchers "Chalk" Reynolds and Walt Payne have driven most of the small ranchers from the government range in the Ruby Hills country, and are fighting between them to get sole control. Reynold's chief gunman is Frank Emmett and Payne's hired gun is Jack Voyle, and both are described as ruthless killers. Into the valley rides Ross Haney who has just bought the water rights to the range, a legal step that Reynolds and Payne over-looked....