Lady in the Water, M Night Shyamalan, 2006 ... Nothing Lasts Forever, Tom Schiller, 1984 An artist fails a test and is required to direct traffic in New York City's Holland Tunnel. He winds up falling in love with a beautiful woman, who takes him to the moon on a Lunar Cruiser.... Altered States, Ken Russell, 1980 An American researching different states of consciousness with the aid of mind altering drugs and an isolation chamber begins to experience disturbing physical changes in his body that point toward an evolutionary regression.
... Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Steven Spielberg, 1977 Cableman Roy Neary is one of several people who experience a close encounter of the first kind, witnessing UFOs flying through the night sky. He is subsequently haunted by a mountainlike image in his head and becomes obsessed with discovering what it represents, putting severe strain on his marriage. Meanwhile, government agents around the world have a close encounter of the second kind, discovering physical evidence of otherworldly visitors in... 2010, Peter Hyams, 0 In this sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey, a joint American- Soviet expedition is sent to Jupiter to discover what went wrong with the U.S.S. Discovery against a backdrop of growing global tensions. Among the mysteries the expedition must explain are the appearance of a huge black monolith in Jupiter's orbit and the fate of H.A.L., the Discovery's sentient computer. ... Amazing Stories, Lesli Linka Glatter (3 episodes, 1986-1987), Phil Joanou (2 episodes, 1985-1986), Steven Spielberg (2 episodes, 1985), Paul Bartel (2 episodes, 1986-1987), Thomas Carter (2 episodes, 1986), Joe Dante (2 episodes, 1986), Joan Darling (2 episodes, 1986), Todd Holland (2 episodes, 1986), Norman Reynolds (2 episodes, 1986), Bob Balaban (1 episode, 1985), Bob Clark (1 episode, 1985), William Dear (1 episode, 1985), Clint Eastwood (1 episode, 1985), Peter Hyams (1 episode, 1985), Michael D Moore (1 episode, 1985), Donald Petrie (1 episode, 1985), Burt Reynolds (1 episode, 1985), Matthew Robbins (1 episode, 1985), Danny DeVito (1 episode, 1986), Mick Garris (1 episode, 1986), Tom Holland (1 episode, 1986), Timothy Hutton (1 episode, 1986), Irvin Kershner (1 episode, 1986), Robert Markowitz (1 episode, 1986), Kevin Reynolds (1 episode, 1986), J Michael Riva (1 episode, 1986), Martin Scorsese (1 episode, 1986), Robert Zemeckis (1 episode, 1986), Graham Baker (1 episode, 1987), Brad Bird (1 episode, 1987), Nick Castle (1 episode, 1987), Paul Michael Glaser (1 episode, 1987), Tobe Hooper (1 episode, 1987), Ken Kwapis (1 episode, 1987), Robert Stevens (1 episode, 1987), 0 Television series created, produced, and twice directed by Steven Spielberg. Truly amazing, and sometimes odd stories are narrated. Many famous actors and actresses made guest appearances....