Filmography from : Cassie Keller
Actor :

High stakes gambling takes on a sinister new meaning in this third chapter of the terrifying HOSTEL series. While attending a bachelor party in Las Vegas, four friends are enticed by two sexy escorts to join them at a private party way off the Strip. Once there, they are horrified to find themselves the subjects of a perverse game of torture, where members of the Elite Hunting Club are hosting the most sadistic show in town....

When a girl goes missing in a town with a history of mysterious disappearances, local teenagers recall an old legend about a witch who lives in a house in the woods and devours the flesh of children; the young for youth, the strong for power, and the pretty for beauty. On a dare the teens venture to the house to lay to rest the nightmarish tales of their childhood once and for all. What they discover is the legend is true. And the very things...