Filmography from : Colm Magner
Actor :

In a near future, the zombies are all around the world, and the human society is restructured and adapted for the new reality. In a protected city ruled by the powerful Kaufman (Dennis Hopper), the upper class has the usual privileges living in a fancy well-supplied building, while the poor people lives on the streets. Riley (Simon Baker) and Cholo (John Leguizamo) belong to a team that bring supplies (food, medicine etc.) to the city using a...

Where and how did it happen... WE DON'T KNOW. We don't know what happened, we don't know how it all began; but from one day to another, the world has become a real nightmare in apocalyptical proportions. The whole planet was striked by an unexplainable, unthnkable and mortal hanging disease - and the deads don't die anymore. Unceasingly looking for their next meal and driven by an endless greed for fresh flesh,intiringly, some zombies pursue...