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Filmography from Curtis Credel

Filmography from : Curtis Credel

Actor :

Firestarter, Mark L Lester, 1984
A couple who participated in a potent medical experiment gain telekinetic ability and then have a child who is pyrokinetic....

Battlestar Galactica, Rod Holcomb (5 episodes, 1978-1979), Christian I Nyby II (5 episodes, 1978), Alan J Levi (2 episodes, 1978), Daniel Haller (3 episodes, 1979), Donald P Bellisario (2 episodes, 1978-1979), Vince Edwards (2 episodes, 1978), Richard A Colla (1 episode, 1978), Winrich Kolbe (1 episode, 1979), 0
The last major Colonial fighter carrier leads a makeshift fleet of human refugees on a desperate search for the legendary planet Earth. ...