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District 9 News


DISTRICT 9 GIVEAWAY - New giveaway DISTRICT 9 DVDs to win "DISTRICT 9" [GIVEAWAY] - New giveaway, "DISTRICT 9" DVDs to win !

By on 23-12-2009

From producer Peter Jackson and director Neill Blomkamp comes a startlingly original science fiction thriller that "soars on the imagination of its creators" (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone). With stunning special effects and gritty realism, the film plunges us into a world where the aliens have landed... only to be exiled to a slum on the fringes of Johannesburg. Now, one lone human discovers...

DISTRICT 9 DVD NEWS - DISTRICT 9 on Blu-ray and DVD 28th December 2009 "DISTRICT 9" [DVD NEWS] - "DISTRICT 9" on Blu-ray and DVD 28th December 2009

By on 17-12-2009

From Academy Award®-Winning Producer Peter Jackson And Rising Star Director {Neill Blomkamp, Comes the $199+ Million Global Box-Office Smash "DISTRICT 9" The Action-Packed, Critically-Acclaimed Sci-Fi Thriller Debuts on Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD on December 28, 2009 Blu-ray Features include movieIQ and “Joburg from Above” Interactive Map From producer Peter Jackson...

DISTRICT 9 Two TV Spots and a new photo for DISTRICT 9 "DISTRICT 9" Two TV Spots and a new photo for "DISTRICT 9"

By on 23-07-2009

TriStar Pictures has started airing two TV spots for director Neill Blomkamp's "DISTRICT 9", presented by Peter Jackson and opening in theaters on August 14th. Here's also a new photo of Sharlto Copley as on-the-run agent Wikus, Thirty years ago, aliens made first contact with Earth. Humans waited for the hostile attack, or the giant advances in technology. Neither came. Instead,...

DISTRICT 9 The New Trailer for DISTRICT 9 "DISTRICT 9" The New Trailer for "DISTRICT 9"!

By on 09-07-2009

Sony's TriStar Pictures has released the new trailer for director Neill Blomkamp's sci-fi film "DISTRICT 9", which is presented by Peter Jackson. Opening August 14, the movie follow an extraterrestrial race forced to live in slum-like conditions on Earth suddenly find a kindred spirit in a government agent that is exposed to their biotechnology. ...

DISTRICT 9 Non-Humans Have Escaped From DISTRICT 9 "DISTRICT 9" Non-Humans Have Escaped From "DISTRICT 9" !

By on 24-06-2009

Sony Pictures has released these new viral videos for director Neill Blomkamp's "DISTRICT 9", opening in theaters on August 14. The videos, which feature new footage from the film, talk about how non-humans have escaped from District 9. It tells you to visit D-9.com or call 866-666-6001 for more information. ...

DISTRICT 9 Anti-Alien DISTRICT 9 Posters "DISTRICT 9" Anti-Alien "DISTRICT 9" Posters

By on 08-06-2009

The tongue in cheek racist posters against Aliens continue. Below from PosterGeek you can checkout a slew of brand new posters for director Neill Blomkamp's "DISTRICT 9", opening in theaters on August 14. Produced by Peter Jackson, the film depicts a fictional world where extraterrestrials have become refugees in South Africa. The film so far looks pretty good and has some...

DISTRICT 9 New teaser trailer  poster for Neill Blomkamps DISTRICT 9 "DISTRICT 9" New teaser trailer & poster for Neill Blomkamp's "DISTRICT 9"

By on 09-05-2009

Yahoo! Movies has debuted the new poster for director Neill Blomkamp's "DISTRICT 9", opening in theaters on August 14. Produced by Peter Jackson, the film depicts a fictional world where extraterrestrials have become refugees in South Africa. Moreover, an alternate teaser trailer is now online. The first trailer featured an alien talking at the end, but we didn't know what the alien...

"DISTRICT 9" The First Teaser for "DISTRICT 9"

By on 02-05-2009

ComingSoon.net got an early preview of Neill Blomkamp's upcoming sci-fi thriller "DISTRICT 9" at ShoWest last month and now Sony has released the first teaser trailer for the film produced by Peter Jackson, which takes place in a South African refugee camp for extraterrestrials. The teaser is essentially the first part of the footage shown at ShoWest, basically just setting up the...

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