Filmography from : Dolph Sweet
Actor :


A Los Angeles Rams quarterback, accidentally taken away from his body by an over-anxious angel before he was supposed to die, comes back to life in the body of a recently-murdered millionaire....

In New York, armed men hijack a subway car and demand a ransom for the passengers. Even if it's paid, how could they get away?...

An idealistic rookie cop joins the LAPD to make ends meet while finishing law school, and is indoctrinated by a seasoned veteran. As time goes on, he loses his ambitions and family as police work becomes his entire life....

Danielle Breton, a beautiful young model, meets an attractive young advertising rep on a Manhattan game show and he escorts her to her home to Staten Island. The next day, her neighbor Grace Collier, a local reporter, witnesses a bloodbath of violence in Danielle's apartment - and can't get anyone to believe her. With the help of a private detective, Grace attempts to solve the mystery. ...

Peter Parker has a laboratory accident that changes his life. He finds himself with greatly increased strength, the ability to stick to walls to climb them without needing hand and footholds and a "spider-sense" (presented in this series as clairvoyance) that allows him to sense danger. Designing a costume and a webshooter that allows him to fire a strong artificial web, he fights crimes as Spider-Man. ...