Filmography from : Gilbert Roland
Actor :

When their traditional sea beds no longer produce enough sponges for them to make a decent living, divers Mike Petrakis and his son Tony have to look elsewhere. Others in the close-knit Greek sponge-diving community have started going to the 12 mile reef but Mike will have nothing to do with the area since his other son died there in a diving accident. They try their hands in the Everglades but come up against Thomas Rhys and Arnold Dix wMike...
The Lost World, Harry O Hoyt (dramatic direction), 1925
Le professeur Challenger a un objectif : retrouver la trace d'un monde rempli d'étranges créatures décrit par l'explorateur Maples White. Pour cela, il met en chantier une expédition formée de sa fille Paula, du professeur Summerlee, du journaliste Edward Malone et de Sir John Roxton. Dix jours après leur départ, les aventuriers parviennet en pleine jungle amazonienne et découvrent un spectacle saisissant : devant eux se dresse un...
The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Wallace Worsley, 1923
Clopin bought Esmeralda from the gypsies when she was young. Dancing in the square at the festival, Esmeralda is spotted by Jehan, the evil brother of the good archdeacon Claude Frollo. When he sets Quasimodo out to kidnap Esmeralda, Phoebus, Captain of the Guards, rescues her and captures Quasimodo. The courts sentence Quasimodo to be flogged, and the only one who will give him water while he is tied in the square is Esmeralda. After Clopin...