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Saw this film at Fantasia in Montreal, it was okay. The theatre was a little half packed, but I heard that the security locked the doors right at 12, BRUTAL. Fantasia should have figured something out about that. I encountered a few people in the Last Exorcism the following day at the Embassy that were gonna see this film, but couldn't get in. They didn't miss much, but they did miss something cool and something Canadian made. The film was nothing new, but it had some pretty disturbing scenes in it. This slapping scene was pretty edgy, it got me pretty good. If it plays anywhere else, totally check it out, the filmmakers were really nice, apprently there was no crew for the film and everything was done by 3 guys, in that case, it was very well done. Story was typical. The performances though were REALLY GOOD. Some of the best low budget movie acting ive seen in a very long time. I give it a 6, because I enjoyed it, the last half was really good, the first half was boring. Check it out if you come across it, it's worth the view. decent little horror flick. look foward to see what these guys do next with some cash.
His rating: 6/10This page has been seen 5607 times.