Dom Cobb is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable. Cobb's rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but it has also made him an international fugitive and cost him everything he has ever loved. Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible-inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move. An enemy that only Cobb could have seen coming.
Original Title : INCEPTION
Director(s) : Christopher Nolan
Writer(s) : Christopher Nolan (written by)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
Length : 2 hs 28 minYear : 2010Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 2010-07-21US Release : 2010-07-16Aka(s) :
(original title) - Inception
Argentina - El origen
Australia - Inception
Belgium - Inception
Brazil - A Origem
Bulgaria - Генезис(Bulgarian)
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Canada - Inception
Canada - Origine
Chile - El origen
China - 盗梦空间
Colombia - El origen
Croatia - Početak
Czech Republic - Počátek
Denmark - Inception
Ecuador - El origen
Egypt - Inception
Estonia - Algus
France - Inception
Georgia - Dasatskisi
Germany - Inception
Greece - Inception
Greece - Οι ονειροπαγιδευτές
Hong Kong - 潛行凶間
Hungary - Eredet
India - Inception
India - चक्रव्युह
India - Thanavu Vettai: Vettai Arrambam...
Indonesia - Inception
Iran - Aghaz Ideh
Israel - Hat'hala
Italy - Inception
Japan - Inception
Japan - インセプション
Kazakhstan - Начало
Latvia - Pirmsākums
Lithuania - Pradžia
Mexico - El origen
Netherlands - Inception
Peru - El origen
Philippines - Inception
Poland - Incepcja
Portugal - A Origem
Romania - Începutul
Russia - Начало
Serbia - Почетак
Singapore - Inception
Slovakia - Počiatok
Slovenia - Izvor
South Africa - Inception
South Korea - 인셉션
Spain - Origen
Spain - Origen
Sweden - Inception
Taiwan - 全面啟動
Thailand - Jit Phi Khat Lôk
Turkey - Başlangıç
(original title) - Inception
Argentina - El origen
Australia - Inception
Belgium - Inception
Brazil - A Origem
Bulgaria - Генезис(Bulgarian)
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Canada - Inception
Canada - Origine
Chile - El origen
China - 盗梦空间
Colombia - El origen
Croatia - Početak
Czech Republic - Počátek
Denmark - Inception
Ecuador - El origen
Egypt - Inception
Estonia - Algus
France - Inception
Georgia - Dasatskisi
Germany - Inception
Greece - Inception
Greece - Οι ονειροπαγιδευτές
Hong Kong - 潛行凶間
Hungary - Eredet
India - Inception
India - चक्रव्युह
India - Thanavu Vettai: Vettai Arrambam...
Indonesia - Inception
Iran - Aghaz Ideh
Israel - Hat'hala
Italy - Inception
Japan - Inception
Japan - インセプション
Kazakhstan - Начало
Latvia - Pirmsākums
Lithuania - Pradžia
Mexico - El origen
Netherlands - Inception
Peru - El origen
Philippines - Inception
Poland - Incepcja
Portugal - A Origem
Romania - Începutul
Russia - Начало
Serbia - Почетак
Singapore - Inception
Slovakia - Počiatok
Slovenia - Izvor
South Africa - Inception
South Korea - 인셉션
Spain - Origen
Spain - Origen
Sweden - Inception
Taiwan - 全面啟動
Thailand - Jit Phi Khat Lôk
Turkey - Başlangıç
Actors :
Leonardo DiCaprio Cobb
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Arthur
Elliot Page Ariadne (as Ellen Page)
Tom Hardy Eames
Ken Watanabe Saito
Dileep Rao Yusuf
Cillian Murphy Robert Fischer
Tom Berenger Browning
Marion Cotillard Mal
Pete Postlethwaite Maurice Fischer
Michael Caine Miles
Lukas Haas Nash
Tai-Li Lee Tadashi
Claire Geare Phillipa (3 Years Old)
Magnus Nolan James (20 Months Old)
Taylor Geare Phillipa (5 Years Old)
Johnathan Geare James (3 Years Old)
Tohoru Masamune Japanese Security Guard
Yuji Okumoto Saito's Attendant
Earl Cameron Elderly Bald Man
Ryan Hayward Lawyer
Miranda Nolan Flight Attendant
Russ Fega Cab Driver
Tim Kelleher Thin Man
Talulah Riley Blonde
Nicolas Clerc Bridge Sub Con
Coralie Dedykere Bridge Sub Con
Silvie Laguna Bridge Sub Con
Virgile Bramly Bridge Sub Con
Jean-Michel Dagory Bridge Sub Con
Helena Cullinan Penrose Sub Con
Mark Fleischmann Penrose Sub Con
Shelley Lang Penrose Sub Con
Adam Cole Bar Sub Con
Jack Murray Bar Sub Con
Kraig Thornber Bar Sub Con
Angela Nathenson Bar Sub Con
Natasha Beaumont Bar Sub Con
Marc Raducci Lobby Sub Con
Carl Gilliard Lobby Sub Con
Jill Maddrell Lobby Sub Con
Alex Lombard Lobby Sub Con
Nicole Pulliam Lobby Sub Con
Peter Basham Fischer's Jet Captain
Michael Gaston Immigration Officer
Felix Scott Businessman
Andrew Pleavin Businessman
Lisa Reynolds Private Nurse
Jason Tendell Fischer's Driver
Jack Gilroy Old Cobb
Shannon Welles Old Mal
Michael August LAX Passenger (uncredited)
Kenneth Mark Bhan Mombasan Gambler (uncredited)
Salmaan Bokhari Mob (uncredited)
Marvin Campbell Hallway Guard (uncredited)
John Ceallach LAX Passenger (uncredited)
Gregg Christie Stock Broker (uncredited)
Garvin Cross Snow Commander (uncredited)
James Currie Lawyer (uncredited)
Youlanda Davis Mombasan Cashier (uncredited)
Julie Eagleton Stockbroker (uncredited)
Seve Esposito Italian Gambler (uncredited)
Marcus Everett Stock Broker (uncredited)
Zachary Christopher Fay Extra (uncredited)
Daniel Girondeaud Bridge Sub Con (uncredited)
Natalie Goldwin LAX Passenger (uncredited)
Allan Hale Immigration Officer (uncredited)
Andrew Hoagland Pedestrian (uncredited)
Guy Iannacone Airport Patron (uncredited)
Marguerite Gioia Insolia Reporter (uncredited)
Charles Jarrell Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Seong-hwan Jo Japanese Landing Crew (uncredited)
Alonzo F Jones Mombasan Casino Staff (uncredited)
Spencer Kayden Korean Mombasa Casino Patron (uncredited)
Mobin Khan Mombasa Casino Cashier (uncredited)
Mike Knox Mombasa Casino Patron (uncredited)
Shunsaku Kudô Saito's Bodyguard Officer (uncredited)
Leticia LaBelle Airport Patron (uncredited)
John Lawson Street Person (uncredited)
Jean-Christophe Leger French Student (uncredited)
Jean-Claude Matthey Mob (uncredited)
Arnold Montey Stock Broker (uncredited)
François-Marie Nivon A Passer-By (uncredited)
Scott Pretty Pedestrian (uncredited)
Norman Saleet Airport Patron (uncredited)
Colin Smith Airport Patron (uncredited)
Darryl Stogre Snow Soldier (uncredited)
Affan Tareen Denison (uncredited)
Matt Vogel Zeke - Pedestrian (uncredited)
Leonardo DiCaprio Cobb
Joseph Gordon-Levitt Arthur
Elliot Page Ariadne (as Ellen Page)
Tom Hardy Eames
Ken Watanabe Saito
Dileep Rao Yusuf
Cillian Murphy Robert Fischer
Tom Berenger Browning
Marion Cotillard Mal
Pete Postlethwaite Maurice Fischer
Michael Caine Miles
Lukas Haas Nash
Tai-Li Lee Tadashi
Claire Geare Phillipa (3 Years Old)
Magnus Nolan James (20 Months Old)
Taylor Geare Phillipa (5 Years Old)
Johnathan Geare James (3 Years Old)
Tohoru Masamune Japanese Security Guard
Yuji Okumoto Saito's Attendant
Earl Cameron Elderly Bald Man
Ryan Hayward Lawyer
Miranda Nolan Flight Attendant
Russ Fega Cab Driver
Tim Kelleher Thin Man
Talulah Riley Blonde
Nicolas Clerc Bridge Sub Con
Coralie Dedykere Bridge Sub Con
Silvie Laguna Bridge Sub Con
Virgile Bramly Bridge Sub Con
Jean-Michel Dagory Bridge Sub Con
Helena Cullinan Penrose Sub Con
Mark Fleischmann Penrose Sub Con
Shelley Lang Penrose Sub Con
Adam Cole Bar Sub Con
Jack Murray Bar Sub Con
Kraig Thornber Bar Sub Con
Angela Nathenson Bar Sub Con
Natasha Beaumont Bar Sub Con
Marc Raducci Lobby Sub Con
Carl Gilliard Lobby Sub Con
Jill Maddrell Lobby Sub Con
Alex Lombard Lobby Sub Con
Nicole Pulliam Lobby Sub Con
Peter Basham Fischer's Jet Captain
Michael Gaston Immigration Officer
Felix Scott Businessman
Andrew Pleavin Businessman
Lisa Reynolds Private Nurse
Jason Tendell Fischer's Driver
Jack Gilroy Old Cobb
Shannon Welles Old Mal
Michael August LAX Passenger (uncredited)
Kenneth Mark Bhan Mombasan Gambler (uncredited)
Salmaan Bokhari Mob (uncredited)
Marvin Campbell Hallway Guard (uncredited)
John Ceallach LAX Passenger (uncredited)
Gregg Christie Stock Broker (uncredited)
Garvin Cross Snow Commander (uncredited)
James Currie Lawyer (uncredited)
Youlanda Davis Mombasan Cashier (uncredited)
Julie Eagleton Stockbroker (uncredited)
Seve Esposito Italian Gambler (uncredited)
Marcus Everett Stock Broker (uncredited)
Zachary Christopher Fay Extra (uncredited)
Daniel Girondeaud Bridge Sub Con (uncredited)
Natalie Goldwin LAX Passenger (uncredited)
Allan Hale Immigration Officer (uncredited)
Andrew Hoagland Pedestrian (uncredited)
Guy Iannacone Airport Patron (uncredited)
Marguerite Gioia Insolia Reporter (uncredited)
Charles Jarrell Hotel Guest (uncredited)
Seong-hwan Jo Japanese Landing Crew (uncredited)
Alonzo F Jones Mombasan Casino Staff (uncredited)
Spencer Kayden Korean Mombasa Casino Patron (uncredited)
Mobin Khan Mombasa Casino Cashier (uncredited)
Mike Knox Mombasa Casino Patron (uncredited)
Shunsaku Kudô Saito's Bodyguard Officer (uncredited)
Leticia LaBelle Airport Patron (uncredited)
John Lawson Street Person (uncredited)
Jean-Christophe Leger French Student (uncredited)
Jean-Claude Matthey Mob (uncredited)
Arnold Montey Stock Broker (uncredited)
François-Marie Nivon A Passer-By (uncredited)
Scott Pretty Pedestrian (uncredited)
Norman Saleet Airport Patron (uncredited)
Colin Smith Airport Patron (uncredited)
Darryl Stogre Snow Soldier (uncredited)
Affan Tareen Denison (uncredited)
Matt Vogel Zeke - Pedestrian (uncredited)
Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
Chee - /08/12 at 01:15
# 1
Those names for Leonardo, Ellen Page and Marion Cotillard are all false. They were from an april fools prank.
I know that info is from IMDb, but IMDb is wrong and I wish they would remove those names.
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