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INFO | REVIEW(S) | PHOTOS (104) | NEWS (13) | DVDS | VIDEOS (54)
Set Video Explosion - Set Video Explosion
Set Video Explosion
Teaser Trailer - Teaser Trailer
Teaser Trailer
 - B-Roll  (English)
B-Roll (English)

 - Trailer  (Japanese)
Trailer (Japanese)
 - Trailer  (Français)
Trailer (Français)
 - Trailer  (Français)
Trailer (Français)

#3 - Trailer #3 (English)
Trailer #3 (English)
#B - Trailer #B (English)
Trailer #B (English)
#B - Trailer #B (Japanese)
Trailer #B (Japanese)

 - Bande-Annonce Salle  (English)
Bande-Annonce Salle (English)
Dream Bigger - Clip Dream Bigger (English)
Clip Dream Bigger (English)
Most Skilled Extractor - Clip Most Skilled Extractor (English)
Clip Most Skilled Extractor (English)

Shared Dreaming - Clip Shared Dreaming (English)
Clip Shared Dreaming (English)
The Inception of Inception - DVD Bonus The Inception of Inception (English)
DVD Bonus The Inception of Inception (English)
Time Scale - DVD Bonus Time Scale (English)
DVD Bonus Time Scale (English)

 - DVD Trailer  (English)
DVD Trailer (English)
Unlock the Dream - DVD TV Spot Unlock the Dream (English)
DVD TV Spot Unlock the Dream (English)
 - Featurette  (French with english subs)
Featurette (French with english subs)

Canada Set - Featurette Canada Set (English)
Featurette Canada Set (English)
Characters - Featurette Characters (English)
Featurette Characters (English)
Cinemax Final Cut - Featurette Cinemax Final Cut (English)
Featurette Cinemax Final Cut (English)

Dreams - Featurette Dreams (English)
Featurette Dreams (English)
Elevator Sequence - Featurette Elevator Sequence (English)
Featurette Elevator Sequence (English)
Filming - Paris Cafe - Featurette Filming - Paris Cafe (English)
Featurette Filming - Paris Cafe (English)

First Look - Featurette First Look (English)
Featurette First Look (English)
Freight Train - Featurette Freight Train (English)
Featurette Freight Train (English)
Golden Globes - Featurette Golden Globes (English)
Featurette Golden Globes (English)

Infinite Staircase - Featurette Infinite Staircase (English)
Featurette Infinite Staircase (English)
sounds - Featurette sounds (English)
Featurette sounds (English)
 - TV Spot  (Japanese)
TV Spot (Japanese)

 - TV Spot  (Français)
TV Spot (Français)
Access Your Mind - TV Spot Access Your Mind (English)
TV Spot Access Your Mind (English)
Chance - TV Spot Chance (English)
TV Spot Chance (English)

Collapsing - TV Spot Collapsing (English)
TV Spot Collapsing (English)
Control - TV Spot Control (English)
TV Spot Control (English)
Critical Acclaim - TV Spot Critical Acclaim (English)
TV Spot Critical Acclaim (English)

Critical Acclaim #II - TV Spot Critical Acclaim #II (English)
TV Spot Critical Acclaim #II (English)
Dream Is Real - TV Spot Dream Is Real (English)
TV Spot Dream Is Real (English)
Extended International - TV Spot Extended International (English)
TV Spot Extended International (English)

Get Armed - TV Spot Get Armed (English)
TV Spot Get Armed (English)
IMAX - TV Spot IMAX (English)
TV Spot IMAX (English)
Job Offers - TV Spot Job Offers (English)
TV Spot Job Offers (English)

Korean - TV Spot Korean (Korean)
TV Spot Korean (Korean)
Last Job - TV Spot Last Job (English)
TV Spot Last Job (English)
One Thing - TV Spot One Thing (English)
TV Spot One Thing (English)

Real - TV Spot Real (English)
TV Spot Real (English)
Simple Idea - TV Spot Simple Idea (English)
TV Spot Simple Idea (English)
Teach You - TV Spot Teach You (English)
TV Spot Teach You (English)

Test - TV Spot Test (English)
TV Spot Test (English)
The Beginning - TV Spot The Beginning (English)
TV Spot The Beginning (English)
Time - TV Spot Time (English)
TV Spot Time (English)

True Potential - TV Spot True Potential (English)
TV Spot True Potential (English)
UK - TV Spot UK (English)
TV Spot UK (English)
Dream Research - Viral Dream Research (English)
Viral Dream Research (English)

Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
Chee - /08/12 at 01:15
# 1

Those names for Leonardo, Ellen Page and Marion Cotillard are all false. They were from an april fools prank.

I know that info is from IMDb, but IMDb is wrong and I wish they would remove those names.

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