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INFO - INSIDIOUS  - Sequel Planned [INFO] - "INSIDIOUS" - Sequel Planned

By on 08-02-2012

A sequel to last year's "INSIDIOUS" (Click here to read our french "INSIDIOUS" review) is on the way with writer Leigh Whannell and director James Wan returning, says a story at The Hollywood Reporter. Details about the project are few at the moment, but the original starred Rose Byrne and Patrick Wilson as a couple who learn that one of their children is possessed. The former...

INTERVIEWS - INSIDIOUS James Wan video interview for INSIDIOUS [INTERVIEWS] - "INSIDIOUS" James Wan video interview for "INSIDIOUS"

By on 25-06-2011

We had to chance to interview James Wan in Paris for the release of "INSIDIOUS" (French "INSIDIOUS" review). He spoke on "INSIDIOUS" of course, but also about "SAW" franchise... Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Ty Simpkins, Andrew Astor, Lin Shaye & Leigh Whannel are starring. ...


By on 03-05-2011

Click here to read our french "INSIDIOUS" movie review, directed by James Wan with Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Ty Simpkins starring....

MEDIA - INSIDIOUS The Teaser for James Wans INSIDOUS [MEDIA] - "INSIDIOUS" The Teaser for James Wan's "INSIDOUS"

By on 23-01-2011

Here's the teaser trailer for director James Wan's horror-thriller "INSIDIOUS", written by Leigh Whannell. "INSIDIOUS" is about a young family that makes the terrifying discovery that the body of their comatose boy has become a magnet for malevolent entities, while his consciousness lies trapped in the dark and insidious realm known as "The Further." Opening in theaters on...

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