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Filmography from Jack Daly

Filmography from : Jack Daly

Actor :

Return of the Fly, Edward Bernds (as Edward L Bernds), 1959
15 years after the events of "The Fly," Andre's son does some transportation experimentation of his own....

Killers from Space, W Lee Wilder, 1954
Atomic scientist/pilot Doug Martin is missing after his plane crashes on an reconnaissance mission after a nuclear test. Miraculously appearing unhurt at the base later, he is given sodium amethol, but authorities are skeptical of his story that he was captured by aliens determined to conquer the Earth with giant monsters and insects. Martin vows to use existing technology to destroy them. ...

Tobor the Great, Lee Sholem, 1954
Dr. Harrison and Prof. Nordstrom develop the robot Tobor for space flight, intending that he should be controlled by ESP. They announce their plans at a press conference which will spread the news worldwide, then they become concerned that press conference security was breached because an extra person attended and they wouldn't want the information falling into the wrong hands! The extra person was a spy; he and his henchmen kidnap Nordstrom and...

Phantom from Space, W Lee Wilder, 1953
Un mystérieux OVNI s’écrase tout près de Los Angeles, et un alien invisible d’une planète inconnue s’en échappe. Loin de son monde et inconscient de la fragilité des êtres humains, il sème la mort partout où il passe pour assurer sa propre survie sur cette Terre. Pour sauver le monde, un groupe de scientifiques engage une course contre la montre afin de stopper la créature avant qu’il soit trop tard....

Chained for Life, Harry L Fraser, 1952
A Siamese twin kills the husband who left her. The courts have to decide if she is convicted of murder, how can they punish her sister, who had nothing to do with the crime?...

The Day the Earth Stood Still, Robert Wise, 1951
An alien (Klaatu) with his mighty robot (Gort) land their spacecraft on Cold War-era Earth just after the end of World War II. They bring an important message to the planet that Klaatu wishes to tell to representatives of all nations. However, communication turns out to be difficult, so, after learning something about the natives, Klaatu decides on an alternative approach. ...